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Churches Need Help Re-Roofing, Restarting School

Francis Addae works among the Gonja and Komkomba people groups in the East Gonja district at Salaga and its surrounding villages in the Northern region of Ghana.

The following is Francis' latest report from the mission field. Please join us in thanking God and asking for His continued work:

I want to use this opportunity to praise God for what He has done for me and my family. By His grace, my daughter Sarah has delivered to the family a baby girl, which has increased the number of my grandchildren to six. He has protected my family through the month of October.

I have been enjoying travel mercies through the month as I journeyed to Tema for a two-day workshop. I am again giving thanks to God for healing all sickness the family encountered.

In the ministry, the churches are doing fine and many souls won and baptized from Salaga and Afayile PCC.

Prayer Requests

Family: May God attend to our needs such as provisions and protection during the month of October in terms of food, travel mercies, and good health.

Salaga Church needs a lot of prayer support for their church to roof back from where the rainstorm destroyed. The same prayers for the mission house; a lot of needs and prayer attention is needed since the windstorm has increased the situation of the building.

I also need prayers for my children’s education and many requests we have put before Him such as getting financial breakthrough in order to support our family and also having money to buy fuel and maintain my vehicle.

The ministry has a lot of needs. The elders of the churches need motorbikes and bicycles to visit the churches. The entire leadership of the churches are pleading to the Office on behalf of Pastor Isaiah to have a motorbike to work, and also some monthly support.

May God help our donors and all our top management in GCM, especially the Executive Director in the person of Pastor Enoch Nyador.

Special Request

This is a suggestion: Our church at Nikata off the road to Ekumdi is requesting a school. The community does not have a school. They started one, which they were having about 100 and more pupils, but due to financial difficulties the school is not functioning any longer and the children are suffering. Therefore, the community leaders have approached Pastor Isaiah to talk to FAME Ghana/GCM to take over the school to save the children’s lives from staying home without schooling.

On behalf of Nikata PCC and the entire community, we are looking forward to hearing positive feedback from you by the Grace of God.

1 Comment

Apr 18, 2022

Can you tell me the estimate given by the roof repair company to the school authority?

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