The following are the combined staff reports from the various GCM staff. They cover May 2021 and/or June 2021.
Joshua Lodo
Greetings from Joshua and Matthew, church planters from the Chakali Mission.
We give our utmost gratitude to God for the strength He has given us to cope with the challenges and difficulties on the mission field.
Our meeting service with the children is ongoing but not regular. Most of the kids also come over to play during break time or when they close from school since their school is just about a six minutes’ walk away from the mission house.
Our farm crops are doing pretty well, too, due to the frequent rainfall. Below are some photos.
For the coming rain.
Prayer Requests
For strength and wisdom to cope.
Sunday School learning materials and children playing kits.
John Kpormegbe
Praise the Lord! May His love endure forever.
I hope every one of you is doing well; we’re also doing good by His grace. Even though, one of my little daughters was down with an infection, she's getting better by the grace of God. On the other hand, the same grace is sufficient for all the church members as well.
I'd like to request prayers for God's grace and His intervention in our mission of soul-winning and planting of churches.
There are some challenges the church is facing which I believe are relevant to tackle and such are as follows: pavilions, the lack of a projector, motorcycle, and mechanized borehole for good drinking water. As stated in the Bible, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. For this reason, we need resources and more workers for the work of God.
I want to seize this opportunity to sincerely thank all our sponsors for bringing me and my family this far. Finally, my heartfelt appreciation goes to all the management team and board members of FAME Ghana and GCM for helping us this far.
Felix Nsejamese
Our Lord deserves a very big Thanksgiving for all that he has done for us.
We thank God for His grace and mercy on us for answering our prayers, for He said in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
My family and I continue to thank FAME Ghana and our sponsors for giving us a very strong motorbike to help with work. We are so grateful. God bless you.
Prayer Requests
Pray for great doors to open for souls harvesting (II Corinthians 2:12-15).
Pray for more financial resources and tools like a video projector.
Pray for the community information center I have put up for preaching the Good News.
Pray for my daughter Happy Nsejamese Omayoane; she is writing her WASSCE (high school final exams) next month.

Richard Ntim
Faithway Christian Church presented gifts of clothing, sandals, and undisclosed amount of money to Keri Christian Church. This is Faithway’s yearly contribution towards the Northern Outreach.
Bismark Kassata
We are grateful for the Lord’s blessing on us. The church is doing well in Jesus’ name and the number of members is also increasing. We will be doing baptisms when streams begin to rise.
We had a retreat for women from May 14 to 18 with the theme “Women Empowerment” two days each for Obanda and Abrubruwa, Brewaniase, Pusupu, Barkanba, Bontibor combined.
Pictured is the program held by women of the Ghana Christian Leadership Training Institute.
We request you to join us to pray for the church and my family as well. We request you to please pray for our financial door to open.
David Addy Akpesey
One thing to thank and praise God for in May 2021:
There was a baptism of 12 youth, comprising 8 boys and 4 girls. We need prayers for these young converts to become committed and faithful Christians. Pray for our church's financial improvement and that of the church members as well.

Ernest Nyador
I thank God for His grace and mercy on my family, church, and myself. He is providing us our daily needs.
The church fixed tiles on the floor of the chapel. We did part of it according to our financial strength.
I request prayers for the financial stability of our members.

John Newman Peni
God has been so gracious to the Nkwanta Church. Our mission house is almost complete. However, the church needs the following items to make the house ready for us to move in: a water storage tank and a septic tank. Hopefully, in July of this year, we will move there and during our stay there we will complete whatever is left to be completed. Praise God!
Prayer Requests
Pray for the healing of a youth member called Eric Otaniadoro; he is a mason and fell down while working on a church building in Nkwanta. He is not able to sit and stand due to an injury he has in his waist and lower spine. He was transferred to the regional hospital for medical treatment and the report received is that he needs an amount of forty thousand Ghana cedis (about $6,800 US) for surgery. His family cannot afford this amount and so he has been brought back to Brewaniase for local treatment. Help us in prayer for his healing.
Francis Addae
This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
The entire leadership of PCC in the Salaga Area council wishes to give thanks on behalf of the Nikata Church for fixing the church roof as well as that of some of the church members.
We are very appreciative of the helping of the donations given to us.
May God richly bless you and replenish all of you whose heart was touched to support when our appeal reached you.
Paul Tevi
Please pray for these newly baptized.
Samuel Dzobo
To the glory of God these souls were baptized. Kindly pray for them as they begin their new life in Christ.
Eric Nyador
Glory be to God for taking us safely to enter June 2021. May was a very busy month for us.
The pastor in charge, Eric Nyador, and one deaconness, Mrs. Rose Dzeble Nutsutse, visited one of our weak and sick old ladies at Mafi Adidome in the Volta region of Ghana during the period.
One new convert is baptized in the month of May.
The women of Good Shepherd PCC did programs in and around the church during Mothers Day celebration in the month.
Prayer Requests
Join us to pray for our weak and sick old ladies. The church also needs financial support as we also join hands with their families to buy adult Pampers and other caring materials.
Let us pray for the PCC national youth executive as they are on fire to do mission work.
Thank you. See the attached pictures. Praise the Lord for these new baptisms!
Prince Yevu
We thank God Almighty for my family, most especially my dear wife, who was seriously sick last month but is now fully recovered. I thank God for the churches and leaders and also their families. We are blessed by God, who touched the heart of Pistis national youth leaders to donate 30 bags of cement to the Krobo Assembly for their church building, which is now being worked on. In April I was privileged to attend a training in Tamale from April 20 through 26, and came back with more knowledge in the Word of God.
We give God the glory for great things He has done for us in the month of May. I cannot forget to thank Him for my family. God Almighty has blessed us, and one of my daughters had her wedding successfully. The entire church is doing well and I thank God for that.
Our prayer is for God to touch more hearts to help us build our place of worship.