For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8 - 10 NKJV

As one of Ghana Christian Mission’s core mandate, planting churches and sending out missionaries to the hinterlands is always of topmost priority. We always want to obedient to the Holy Spirit to bring great transformation to the lives of many through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, we learn from the scripture above that we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works! Here’s a testimony of the good works God is doing through our church planters on the field among the Chakali.
During our door-to-door evangelism, we met a young man named Danna Danjima in his community of Chaggu. Danna had been suffering from a severe, untreated wound on his leg for ten years. The wound was so advanced that he bled daily, and one of his bones, the fibula, was rotten and exposed. Due to the severity of his condition, people avoided him, and he had endured this pain and isolation without any medical attention. When we approached him and shared the Gospel, we also prayed with him, encouraged him to trust that God would bring healing. We immediately contacted our Executive Director, who encouraged us to pray while he sought ways to support him. His hemoglobin level was dangerously low, less than 4.0, and he needed multiple blood transfusion.
As Danna’s treatment progressed, he stayed at the hospital for about 6 months and had to also visit a very other day for a year. GCM’s generous financial support, alongside contributions from others, allowed us to rent a room near the hospital where Danna and his mother could stay, ensuring he received daily wound care. Despite these numerous efforts, Danna's leg has to be amputated.
Throughout this journey, we remained by Danna’s side, offering prayer, teaching him the Word of God, and sharing messages of hope. His resilience and faith grew stronger as he experienced God’s love and care. On September 6, 2024, Danna publicly declared his faith through baptism, a powerful testimony of transformation. His story touched many hearts in his community, breaking down barriers and inspiring others to seek Christ. Even his mother, who had been a devoted Muslim, witnessed the love and support shown to her son and ultimately gave her life to Christ. She, too, was baptized, and their story continues to glorify God.
This testimony of Danna Danjima reflects God’s healing, love, and faithfulness. Through the dedication and commitment of you our cherished partners and Danna’s courage, we have witnessed how God can use one life to reach many. Today, Danna’s journey has opened doors for the Gospel to be shared more broadly within his community, bringing hope and transformation to others.
This is why we exist! This is why we do what we do as a mission organization! Testimonies like this motivate us and always give us the desire to keep pushing further. God bless all our partners and donors. You are the reason we’re able to do all we do.
Prayer Points
· Kindly pray for Danna and his family that God’s light will continue to shine brightly in their lives.
· Kindly pray for all the people of Chaggu who have heard Danna’s story and have opened their hearts to receive the love of God.
· Kindly pray for our church planters Matthew Nwedo and Abraham Yahaya who are working among the Chakali people in communities such as Bulenga and Chaggu (where Danna hails from).
· Kindly pray for Wisdom, Enoch and Lydia who are in the USA for mission events and also meet with partners and friends.
· Kindly pray for a couple coming in from USA in November. Pray that their trip to Ghana will be very fruitful.
Pastor Yeboah Ernest Junior – Fame Clinic, Benwoko
We thank God for the month of September, staff and our clients who visited the clinic. Glory and honor to God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Devotions and clinical activities are still ongoing. The staff is working hard to address the health needs of our patients, but the staff number is few. I'm humbly asking you to work around the clock for the government to post more nurses to our facility.
We appreciate the continuous supply of medicines to the facility. God bless you and the management team. May the fame of Jesus Christ continue to spread at Benwoko and beyond.

Pastor Ernest Nyador – FAME Clinic, Akplale
The month of September has ended well, full of God's blessings and goodness.
Normal clinical activities are still ongoing. The enthusiasm of some of staff is very encouraging.
The GCM management is working hard to get a qualified Lab technician for the facility.
The lab equipment and air-conditioning are already fixed.
The future is bright for all FAME facilities in Ghana.
We ask for God's favor and protection for our director and all the staff in our facilities.
Pastor Paul – FAME Clinic, Loagri
We thank God for His mercy upon us.
We thank God also for the life of one of our staff who escaped death after being attacked by armed robbers in the night while returning from visiting his family.
We are still assisting the staff with our physical and spiritual presence.
We know surely patients are going through a holistic health in the clinics.
We pray for more healing in the next month.
Pastor Felix Nsejamese – Fame Clinic, Kumdi
We thank God for His grace and faithfulness.
We are so grateful for the wonderful blessing and protection the Lord has given us.
I visited Madam Kumah, a client at Kumdi who also visits our facility (she had been sick for about seven years now and could not do anything).
During her last visit to the clinic, I witnessed our Lord and savior Jesus Christ to her.
Pray for Kumah to give her life to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
May the good Lord richly bless us in Jesus’ mighty name.
We praise God for His grace and faithfulness.
We are indeed thankful for the successful month of September.
We are so grateful for the pavilion; we thank God for such a wonderful project to provide shelter for us.
We give thanks to our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for the three souls which were baptized at Kanjido where we built the pavilion.
1. Pray for the growth of the three souls and the church.
2. Pray for my family, especially my wife – she is not well and walking is very difficult for her.
Pastor Kingsley Nyindam – Fame Clinic, Tatindo
We praise God for His abundant grace. The Lord, through the use of medicine and prayers, has healed many people.
Our regular devotions in the morning with both clients and the staff were observed.
To God Almighty be all the glory for seeing us through the ninth month of the year successfully.
Six persons received Christ and were baptized at Tatindo.
One new child was dedicated and named at the Kumbundo church.
All the Sunday services and other meetings within the week were observed.
Continue to pray for the new converts and for the growth of the church.
Please pray for the Tatale church building which has since been halted due to lack of funds.
Its completion is going to help the work greatly.
Prayer Needs:
1. More staff to ease the workload
2. Pray that the few staff who are here will be dedicated and faithful.
3. Pray for unity among the staff.
4. Pray for the completion of the extension project at the clinic.
Pastor Francis Addae – Fame Clinic, Makango
Glory be to God again and again for all His goodness towards us.
The staff are doing good and our work is moving in the right direction.
Morning devotions, prayers, home visits and community outreach are being done to boost our clinical attendance.
We also need to acknowledge the role of the management team both internally and externally.
May God bless and strengthen them to do more.
Our prayer is to have good health by the grace of God for the remaining months of 2024.
Our God is so faithful to my family and to the ministry.
The month of September 2024 has been a good month in which the Lord provided his protection and provisions to all our works.
The churches are doing fine and the newly established ones are gradually doing well by the grace of God.
We need more prayers for both my family and the ministry, especially the congregation and our elders in order to work hard to achieve our goals set before us.
Also appealing to the management to come to our aid with:
1. Shelter for our churches who worship under trees
2. Salaga Church building
3. The motorbike for visiting the churches in my area.
Praise God, six people received Christ and were baptized at Tatindo last week Sunday.
Sekyere Genyingi Kofi Nicholas
Praise be to the name of the most high God for the month September.
I thank God Almighty for my life, that of my children and my wife.
I am very grateful to be part of the Ghana Christian Mission family.
All activities of the week go on daily (that is evangelism, visitation, Sunday morning and evenings services).
A one-week evangelism has been organized at Bumpata to help prepare the grounds for a church to be planted there.
We keep trusting God for support to help us complete our church building.
May the name of God Almighty be praised.
Pastor Paul Akuteye
The church in Kumasi embarked revival service coupled with a house to house evangelism to win souls for Christ, after the prayer.
Due to the positive outcome the leadership of the church agreed to do the same in November from the 3rd to the 24th, 2024.
Ten of our members who successfully completed the high school came to thank God for a successful completion, without any incidents and any examination challenges.
It is our prayer that all of them will pass well and then enter into the tertiary institutions.
May the good Lord bless you, our sponsors, both home and abroad for your help and sponsorship in seeing through another quarter of the year successfully.
Pastor Yeboah Ernest Junior
We are grateful to God for the life of the church as the Lord Jesus Christ continues to shepherd us by His words.
Church activities are still ongoing. We do preach to unsaved persons to accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Some accept Jesus Christ as their savior, but reluctant to come to Church, but others are not responding to the good news of Christ Jesus.
Remember the Church in your prayers.
May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to help us to be His true disciples to the end and help us to lead others to Him.
Pastor Paul Lawson
We are very grateful for the gift of life and what we've recorded in this month.
A Christian brother got married to a Muslim lady who was in a nearby community. The day I went to visit them in March, I shared with them Romans 8:1(There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who walk not according to the flesh).
The lady was touched and later told me her intention to become a Christian.
She joined us in church and is yet to be baptized. Let us pray that she will grow in the Lord and share also her testimony to others especially to her family
God bless all of us.
Pastor Bismark Kassata
The Ntrubo area churches are doing well despite the economic hardship in our country. I thank God for healing my two daughters who fell sick and were hospitalized a day before the women’s convention in Accra.
God heard our prayers and after receiving treatment for three days they came back home in good health.
Pray for 4 of our youth that have pledged to go into missions to plant a Church each before the end of this year – pray that they will be committed to their faith in planting the churches.
A mission fund account was opened for interested members who will want to support those going into missions.
Pastor Ernest Nyador – Akplale Church
The goodness of God led us through the month successfully.
Though no baptism made in the month under review, evangelism is being intensified.
Home visitation is ongoing. Plastering of outside of the chapel is still ongoing. We thank Ghana Christian Mission and partners for helping us do this.
We pray for stability of members and those who are yet to come.
Pastor Mathew Nwedo and Pastor Yahaya Abraham
We begin by giving thanks to God for His abundant grace and mercy in our lives, families, and the church during the month of September. His faithful hand has guided us, providing protection and meeting our every need. We are deeply grateful for His presence and provision.
We also thank God for His continued work in the Chakali community. It is a blessing to witness how His love is drawing people closer to Him, and we are honored to be part of this ongoing ministry.
We express special gratitude for the support we received from our Mission, it enabled us to acquire new phones. This vital assistance has greatly improved our ability to communicate and reach out to others effectively, and we are thankful to director who partnered with us in making this possible.
We rejoice in the baptism of Danaa on the 6th of September; it is a powerful testimony to God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ. Additionally, we celebrate the decision of Danaa’s mother who decided to follow Jesus, which has brought even greater joy and gratitude to our hearts. We thank God for His redemptive work in their lives.
Lastly, we are continually thankful to God for always making a way for people to come and worship with us in both Bulenga and Chaggu, on Fridays and Sundays. His faithfulness in drawing worshipers to Himself fills us with hope and encouragement.
Prayer Request
1. Pray for Danaa and his mother, that they will be strengthened and grow in their faith as they walk with the Lord.
2. Pray for continued protection over our families, the church, and the Chakali community. Ask for God’s provision as we serve and minister to the people around us.
3. Pray that God will provide more opportunities for evangelism, and the boldness to share the Gospel effectively. And that many hearts in the community will be receptive to His Word.
4. Pray for unity, strength, and perseverance in the church as we work together to spread the love of Christ.
5. Pray for God’s continued provision of financial and material resources to meet the needs of the ministry and the community.
We trust in God’s faithfulness to answer these prayers and continue guiding us as we serve Him. To Him be all the glory.
Sampson Darko
Our God granted us life to see another month.
I thank God for the lives of our sponsors and supporters, GCM Executive Director and his management team for allowing themselves to be used by God. I appreciate every step and decisions for the wellbeing of the mission and the field workers.
I pray that God will widen the scope of each member.
Please pray for the churches around Akyode communities that the Word of God will reign on the land.
Pray for my wife's total healing, and the mission school we have established.
God bless us all.
Pastor Yonah Lati
May the peace and the mercies of God be multiplied to us all. By the mercies of God all the pastors, leaders and members at Borae and its locality are all doing well.
Throughout the month of September, the following activities were observed and successful in the district:
1. Revivals
The Magnendo zone made of the following churches: Chenderi, Lumbuisu, and Namondo – meet at the last Sunday of every month for a joint revival service, aimed at reviving the churches and winning lost souls.
In the month of September, this joint revival service was held at Namondo, where all the churches around the area were present; one thousand two hundred cedis (GHS 1,200) was raised to support the transportation fare. By the grace of God this joint revival service was successful and has brought a great spiritual awakening in the lives of the members/leaders.
2. Baptism
Two souls received Christ and were immersed at Borae to the glory of God.
Prayer Request
· Pray that God would touch the hearts of many to help us in cash or kind to bring all our projects to completion.
And also, that God will sustain the two souls who received Christ and were immersed.
Pastor David Addy Akpesey
Thank and praise God for making it possible for the Transformation Christian Church to host a four-day medical outreach successfully at Awutu Papaase No.1 from the 9th to the 12th of September, 2024.
Thank God for the Medical Team and all members who supported the medical team and those who worked on the new church building.
Thank God for over 830 patients who were treated and given medication.
Thank and praise God for two young ladies who accepted and confessed Christ and were baptized by immersion.
Pray for the new converts to grow in their new faith and in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Elisha Malu
My humble greetings, first of all to almighty God by whose grace we are alive and to the leadership of GCM for their support and goodwill.
We started our evangelism in a community called Wiea Takumdo where we engaged them with the word of God. The new church started at Wiea Takumdo has eight souls to the glory of God
We need pavilions that will provide shelter from the rain and sun, especially for the churches worshipping under trees.
Prayer Request
· We humbly need your prayer and support so the Holy Spirit will strengthen and and make our work fruitful to fulfill the purpose of God.
· We also request prayer for the management, board members, donors, partners and church planters of GCM for good health and financial breakthrough.
· We need your prayers for the evangelism team members as we work to share the word of God and plant new churches.
Pastor John Newman Peni
In my May report, I reported of one Emmanuel who had his leg broken and was to have surgery at Koforidua Hospital. He did not have the money for the surgery but the Nkwanta Unity Assembly raised funds for the cost. By God's grace he is back from surgery and almost healed.
The wife of one of our new converts at Ahondwo, where we planted the new church has given birth to a baby girl. Four of us from Nkwanta went there for the naming and dedication ceremony.
Prayer Request
Pray for a pick-up truck and motor cycle to enhance evangelism in the Nkwanta and Adele Area.
We also need a projector for film showing when we go for evangelism.
Pastor Daniel Liwamor
I thank God the month of September ended peacefully. Thanks be to God for the life of my family and that of the church too. And I want to thank God for the Northern sector women convention that just ended.
We were preparing them and praying for the outcome, and finally our God has made it successful.
Prayer Request
We want to start a new church at Konjado in November, in fulfilling the mission mandate that all church planters are required to do.
I humbly request for your prayers support.
Here are some pictures of the women convention.
Daniel Tetteh
I am doing good here with the Sisaala Paasaal people group.
To God be the glory, the mission house project is going on successfully. Workers are on site and they are currently on roofing. We thank God for the safety of the workers.
I am making considerable advancement in learning the language and culture of the people.
So far, no souls have been won but praying to God for a better change.
I am pleased to inform you that in next month I will be going to visit some few people to help me in learning the language, assist the workers on site and also do some few home visitations.
Finally, I will plead that you help me pray for the grace of our Lord to be with me; may God grant the site workers safety and finally, a change of heart for the people of Sisaala Paasaal (a heart for our master Jesus).
May our good Lord continue to bless you all.