In John 14:2, Jesus said: My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
This is one of the assurances from Christ that gives us hope of an eternal place with God. In our mission, our primary goal is to lead people to partake in this glorious place. We endeavor to use available resources to create an environment for people to come to Christ and share in the “many rooms”.
On September 17, Ghana Christian Mission celebrated the Goodness of God by commissioning a 13-room nurses' house that was funded by FAME USA. The Executive Director, Bill Warren and Mission’s Pastor of Plainfield Christian Church, Riley Weaver, helped to commission the house to be used. The construction of this house is to provide accommodation to the nurses and have them closer to the Kumdi FAME Clinic to provide excellent service to all clients. We say a special thank you to all those who donated to FAME towards this project.
Prayer points
Praise God for the completed nurses house at Kumdi that is helping to improve health care in the community.
Thank God for the life of all those who gave to FAME to support the building of the nurse’s house.
Pray for the nurses that will live in the house and the patients who will attend the clinic
Pray for all partners and friends of Ghana Christian Mission who have faithfully supported the mission over the past three and a half decades!

Kumdi Nurses House Commissioning

Joyful Crowd Gathered for Commissioning

The Lord had done it again by carrying us with his eagle wings into a new month. We thank God for the Churches and the leadership. We bless God for the provisions he made available for church members and our families.
The Lord made a way this year for the Churches to hold our annual Youth Camp after the the ease on Covib-19 pandemic restrictions. We held Camp at Obanda from 17th-20th of August 2022.
Once again, I praised God for the Lives of Dr. Enoch and Director Wisdom who had a safe trip to the USA. Below are the pictures of the Youth Camp.

Greeting from the Pistis family in Borae, in the month of August we thank God almighty for the protection and care over the pastor’s, elders and the members in the district, by the grace of God all the members in the district are doing well.
Through the interventions of God, the following activities were successful in the district.
The church at Borae embarked on a four days revival program, by grace of God this program was very successful and have brought a great revival to the lives of the members of church at Borae, through this program six people gave their lives to Christ though they haven't yet baptized.
The Pistis Christian Church Branch at Dambai under Borae District, six people gave their lives to Christ and were baptized.
Ayigbe Kura church building project.
The Ayigbe Kura Pistis Christian Church Branch under Borae district embark on building a church auditorium by grace and the interventions of God has reached the plastering and finishing stage.
The Chenderi Mission house Project.
The district pastor (Pastor Samuel Dzobo) raised a son from the Chenderi church under Borae district, have plan by the church Leaders to help put up a mission house for the church at Chenderi , by the grace and interventions of God we have reached the plastering , electrical, and finishing stage.
The Mala Assembly Church building project, the Mala Assembly under Borae district has also embark on building an auditorium. The pavilion they use to worship under has been so destroyed by a strong wind, which makes it difficult to meet. By the sufficiency of the grace of God , this assembly came together to raise the building and has reached the plastering and finishing stage.
We need your prayers that the souls won for Christ during the revival program at Borae and at Dambai assembly, will be deep rooted in Christ.
That the church building project at Mala assembly, the Ayigbe Kura assembly will be brought to completion.
For the Chenderi Mission House Project. Please pray the people would be touched to help bring it to completion before it falls.

We praise God Almighty for seeing us through the month of August the was very eventful as the youth carried out various activities the youth month. At the end of their activities, ten (10) persons received Christ as their personal Lord and savior and were baptized.
Another exciting news is that, the church at Moatong has finished the brick works on their chapel, but the sad news is that the old chapel which could not accommodate the growing membership was destroyed by a falling tree leaving them no place for worship. We are therefore appealing for support to roof the new one so the people could start worshipping there.

I want to use this opportunity to give thanks to God for caring and providing for all my family, especially my wife. God is so good to us and protected us through the month of August 2022 and it is my prayers that He will continue taking good care for us in the month of September as well.
By the grace of God, we continue to spread the hope of the Gospel and pray that members of the churches will continue to serve God and worship Him.
Thank god for the life of my son Robert who has completed his national service after college. He currently is looking for employment. Also pray for my wife who continues to receive treatment for cancer. Pray specifically that God will provide resources for her treatment.
Since July we design a strategy of having 2 Day Mini Conventions for all our communities to encourage the Churches and at the same time win souls for Christ while visiting the churches.
These are our challenges that we ask you to pray about.
1. The aid of Salaga Church Building
2. To help us to Train Anthony as Church Planter for assistance in the mission work.
3. Our churches meeting under trees need pavilions.
I thank God Almighty for the churches, especially Tadando Christian Church. In fact, the leader who is Elder Samuel Kado is doing a great work. I see him leading the church in the right direction and pray God will protect and bless him, his family and the church as a whole.
One naming ceremony was done at Kumdi. I surveyed a village called Kpembekado possible for church plant. I am working so that before the 2022 ends, a Christian Church will be planted there.
Please pray for my wife Lydia who is still at her hometown. Please pray for Deaconess Felicia Kado the wife of Elder Samuel Kado who needs about Two thousand Ghana cedis to buy hepatitis medicine. Please continue to pray for Sister Mary Bilangma the wife Mr. Simon Bilangma at Tadando who is down from a stroke.

We had the opportunity to have our yearly youth Municipal Youth camp again at Obanda after the Covid 19 pandemic. The theme for the Youth camp was " In every labor, there is Profit. " Prov. 14:23. The purpose for this camp was to encourage our Youth to work hard and overcome challenges which will come their ways to reach God’s purpose for their lives.
Due to this, some of our Youth were chosen to share their experiences in life and how they are able reach where they are now in their work. Games like Oware, ludo, cards, sack race, egg race, eating bread competition etc....were performed to refresh and entertain them. It There was also a quiz competition among various Assemblies take from the book of Genesis chapter 1-10. Winners of the quiz were awarded with bibles to motivate them. It is a camp which will always be remembered. The attendance was encouraging. To God be the glory.
Pray that our Youth will be steadfast in the faith and turn away from false teachers and prophets who are up coming.

1. Thank God for His fatherly care
2. Though there was no baptism in August, there were series evangelism.
3. There was Pistis Christian churches Greater Accra district A joint pastors and elders joint service at Good Shepherd in August.
4. The church planned with the youth to do Youth week in September
5. The church wall and building project is ongoing
Join us to thank the Almighty God for all that He is doing for us and also may he guide us safely into the coming year,2023 Thank you.
We give God all glory to have seen as throughout the Month.
By his grace it is well with our souls despite Life challenges. I want to put on record that the membership is committed to the worship of the Lord in spite of the hardships of the economy.
Thank God for a summer youth camp that was held in August. Please pray for the youth to dedicate their own lives to the service to God.
I want to use this medium to appreciate our partners supporting us both in cash and in kind. May the Lord bless you beyond measure men.

Peace and love from Pistis Christians churches here in North East. We give thanks to God for all. We recorded aggressively 1 new born and 2 new converts. Some of our students in Wa campus are now engaged in street evangelism. We need fervent prayers for abundant grace and peace in our communities.

First of all, I want to thank Almighty God for the month of August has ended successful and peacefully. And again, I thank God for my family and all my church members for the peace of life given to us throughout the month of August.
Secondly, we held our monthly joint service on the August 8th at Kojobuni.
Thirdly, we had two naming ceremonies at Bombari in the month of August.
Here are some pictures of the activities in August.

1, Thanksgiving,
We thank Almighty God for his grace and peace in Kumdi clinic both the client the staff and the works in the nurse quest, is so wonderful glory be to God.
2, Normal clinical activities are ongoing, people are getting healed and devotion and visiting of the wards is ongoing.
We also give thanks to God for the beautiful nurse quaters we thank God for our sponsors, the leadership Fame Ghana the works we continue thank God for their lives and team work.
Yeboah Ernest Jr. - BENWOKO CLINIC
Loving kindness of God is always a blessing to our lives in Jesus Christ our King.
We thank God for His acts of healing by prayers and medicines at the clinic.
Devotion and clinical works are still ongoing, which always impact the lives of patients to God's glory.
It is our prayer that, our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to manifest Himself in Benwoko Clinic so that lost persons will accept the salvation grace of God in Jesus Christ and become Christlike followers.
PASTOR ERNEST NYADOR reporting for Akplale Clinic.
The month of August was very successful.
Normal routine works at the facility done. Zeal for devotions is not encouraging due to rains. Not all of the staff are close to the facility.
May the good Lord protect and provide all the basic needs to the staff in September.
Praise to God Almighty who have protected and guide us through the month of August.
By his grace we are doing fine by attending to the Clients who always need our service.
The Staff members are working hard especially on market days.
Paperless Records were introduced to the facility and it has boosted and encouraged our clients to visiting the clinic.
Other activities are still ongoing such as devotional, all-night in every month ending as well as both staffing and management team meetings.
In all, glory be to God and still praying to God's protection and guidance to all the Staffs in the month of September 2022.

ICOM 2022 is in Columbus, Ohio this year. Since Wisdom and Enoch were in the U.S. for such a long time this past summer, they will not be in Columbus. However, several of the GCM U.S. Board will be there with our booth. The abbreviated schedule this year is Thursday November 3rd - Saturday November 5th. We would love to connect with any of you who will be able to come to ICOM and be encouraged to stay strongly committed to our mission.
God Bless You ALL!
Thank God for the many wonderful things He's doing on the field!
May His name be glorified always.