Matthew 9: 37-38 “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Christian education has always been of great concern to the mission. This is because, when others are trained it helps church growth through discipleship and evangelism. These trained disciples are sent out to win souls for the Lord. GCM trains more laborers through training in the local churches or at a bible school. Here’s an update on two of our students receiving training at Dunamis Bible Institute (DBI) in Tamale.

Ernest Dasil and Edmund Magati are young men from Nandikrom and Banda all in the Oti region. They are both married and each of them has a daughter. They are very much involved in church work and always avail themselves for projects in the church. They are currently receiving theological education and training at DBI.
Ernest works amongst the Konkombas and Kotokolis at Jama-Nkwanta in the Northern region. This community is noted for traditional worship and Islam. To the glory of God, the church started over there is yielding many fruits. Some people have given their lives to Christ and have been baptized. Also, a few of those who have backslidden have also returned to the Lord.
Edmund also has been stationed at the Banda-Buya church which is predominantly a Konkomba community with other tribes like Nchumburus, Kotokoli, Kabre, Tsokosi and others in the minority. The community is noted for idol worship, but most people do it in hiding because of the presence of a few churches in the community. It has been discovered that the same people who go to church on Sundays, make sacrifices to idols during the beginning of a farming season expecting these gods to give them a bumper harvest at the end of the farming season. Through intentional bible studies and prayers, some of these people have turned from idol worship and given their lives completely to Jesus. Recently, a crusade was held at Banda-Buya and the two souls were won for the Lord and many more who had given up on their faith renewed their faith in Jesus.
Thank God for all He is using these young men to achieve in these communities. Indeed, a glorious light is shining through them dispelling all darkness and transforming many lives as well. This could only be possible because of your consistent prayers and donations. May the Lord bless all our donors and partners. Below are a few pictures of what God is doing in Jama-Nkwanta and Banda-Buya.

Banda-Buya Church Jama-Mkwanta Church
We also take this opportunity to wish all Americans a happy Independence Day.
Stay Blessed,
Wisdom Nyador
Prayer Points
· Kindly pray for Ernest and Edmund and their families as they labour in the Lord to bring light to many in darkness.
· Kindly pray for more funds to train more people in order to reach more people with the gospel.
· Kindly pray for our Executive Director, Wisdom Nyador, as he continues to travel in the US to meet several partners and donors.
· Kindly pray for Global Health Outreach (GHO) which comes off from 29th July to 2nd August.
· Kindly pray for a successful retirement program for Ps Hayford Ahiabu in August and a befitting retirement package given to him after the program.
Pastor Nicholas Sekyere
Blessed be to God Almighty; we thank Him for another successful month.
The church and I have been busy throughout the month, preparing towards Pastor John Prince Yevu's retirement service and it was successfully held on the 26th of May, 2024.
I paid visits to the towns of Eche, Krobo Nkwanta and Bumpata, with the intention of planting a church in one of them.
Keep my family and I in prayers because the few months spent in the Eastern Region Afram Plains have not been favorable for us.
Pastor David Addy Akpesey – The Transformation Christian Church, Awutu Papaase.
We thank and praise God for a very successful joint worship service with the Evangelical Church Winning All, ECWA, at Awutu Adawukwao on the last Sunday in May hosted by ECWA. Sister Charity Johnson, a member of the Transformation Christian Church who lost her father, attended the funeral with her family in the Republic of Togo and returned safely.
Kindly pray with us as we attempt to raise fifty thousand Ghana cedis (3,300 USD) to buy a plot of land for the new church that we have started at Awutu Kwaobondze. One member of the new church is offering the land right in the center of the town for that reduced price. Pray for benefactors to help us financially to purchase this land for the new church.
Pastor Sampson Darko
We bless the name of the Lord our maker for granting us the grace to see the end of May; we are grateful. We need prayers for the people of Jumbo number 2 where we are working to establish a new church. It has not been easy but we trust God to let His will be done.
I would like to appeal to management to assist our school with a computer. This will help the children to be acquainted with the computer.
The Lord has brought two souls who were baptized; please hold them in prayers.

Pastor Yeboah Ernest Junior
God is good to us. We give Him all the praise, glory, and honor. He always orders our ways according to His will for us as a church.
All church activities and evangelism are still ongoing. God continues to bind us together as a church, the love of Jesus Christ always refreshing us. Some of the disciples in tertiary institution always come back to fellowship when they are on vacation from school. The Lord Jesus Christ continues grooming them to remain loyal and faithful to Him even as few members. Our numbers are not many, but the Holy Spirit is comforting us, knowing that one day, there shall be greater harvest of members to the Yeshua Love Christian Church at Garu as we pray for great harvest of souls and embark on evangelism in Garu and beyond.
Pastor Paul Akuteye
May in Ghana encapsulates a rich history rooted in the struggles and sacrifices of workers globally. As Ghanaians commemorate this day, it serves as both a celebration of achievements and a reminder of the ongoing efforts of advocate for workers’ rights and well-being.
It is also a women’s health care month. The women in Kumasi really celebrated it with a visit by Pastor Addai from Salaga who came with a lot of pastries and enough palm nuts for both the women and the entire church in Kumasi.
The elder brother of our church secretary, who lost his wife in the U.S.A. was buried last week Saturday. May you prayerfully join your faith to ours in these trying moments as we are believing God that there would not be too much debt during the funeral rites.
The region is experiencing a lot of robbery, ritual murdering, social vices like cybercrimes, sexual immorality, indiscipline, drug abuse and many more social vices due to the increasing rate of unemployment in the country.
As we are coming to the end of the year, which is our election year, we are seeking God’s intervention, especially in the area of accidents on our roads.
Your partnership and support for us as a church is deeply appreciated.
Pastor Yona Lati
May God’s grace be multiplied to us all.
By the grace of God almighty the following activities were observed and successful in the Borae district:
Magnendo Zone end-of-month revival
The Chenderi Zone scheduled to meet on every last Sunday of the month for a joint revival service and in the month of May, the meeting was observed at Chenderi. By the grace of God this joint revival service was successful and brought a great spiritual awakening in the lives of the members.
Madam Naomi Belinbene was the first convert baptized by Pastor Samuel Dzobo, who is currently on retirement. She died of a short illness on the 29th of April 2024; her burial service was held on 24th and 25th of May 2024. During her thanksgiving service, two people gave their lives to Jesus Christ and are awaiting baptism.

· Borae Central church building project
The project has been our heartbeat and we are praying for its completion.

· Chenderi church building project.
Chenderi church has embarked on molding blocks to lay around the pavilion raised by the help of Ghana Christian Mission. The laying of blocks has started and reached a considerable level.

We need your prayers that the souls won during madam Naomi Belinbene thanksgiving service will grow and become deeply rooted in Christ Jesus,
And also, the projects at hand will be brought to completion through the generosity of our donors and partners
Mathew Nwedo and Abraham Yahaya
To God be the glory for His sufficient grace and gift of life upon us, our wives, children, church members and the Chakali communities, as a whole.
Glory be to God that my brother Joseph and his wife, Sister Joanna, were baptized into the Christian family of Bulenga Pistis Christian Church and Mama Monica was also baptized on the tenth of May.

We (Bulenga Pistis Christian Church) were fortunate to receive Samaritan purse boxes from our Executive Director, Wisdom Nyador, which would help bring children closer to God. We mobilized children and launched the program on May 16 and we have to take the children through all twelve lessons in the study manual, the first four of which have been completed.
Thanks be to God for saving us from a terrible accident on the 23rd of May, when we went to visit brother Danna Danjima in the Upper West Regional Hospital in Wa.
God has put a smile on the face of our brother Joseph and his family by providing support for his room to be roofed
By God's grace our church services are ongoing well alongside our weekly activities.
Prayer Requests
· Pray for God to continue strengthening our brother Joseph not to go back into drinking of alcohol and to be a strong believer.
· Pray for God to change Mama Monica from drinking alcohol and be a good and responsible mother to her children
· Pray for our father Dawuda and his household to remain firm in their faith.
· Pray for the new converts to stand firm in their faith (the new converts have problems with their families for worshiping the living God).
· Pray for God's grace and strength over our lives to continue working hard in unity, in order to disciple the Chakali communities for His kingdom.
· Pray for the children who come for the Samaritan’s purse class to accept Jesus Christ into their lives and also strengthen them speak the gospel to their families and friends.
· Pray for the holy spirit to reveal the truth about Jesus Christ to the Chakali people as we also send the gospel to them.
Pastor Felix Nsejamese
We are so grateful to God for His mercies and faithfulness towards us.
By the grace of God church activities are ongoing with the preaching of the word of God through the information center; house-to-house evangelism is also ongoing.
Pastor Bismark Kassata
We bring you greetings from Ntrubo Area in the name of Jesus.
I thank the Lord that through your prayers, my children did not experience any sickness this month. As usual, the Ntrubo churches are doing well by the grace of God.
We performed the funeral service for two of our members and two souls gave their lives to Christ as a result of the funeral and will receive baptism soon.
Due to the weather changes this year most of the members fall sick every now and then but the grace of God saw them through such times through prayer.
I humbly request your prayer support for the widows because they are going through a serious agony from the loss of their loved ones.
My family and I wish the workers of Ghana Christian Mission, partners and donors well for dedication to the Lord’s work.
Pastor Francis Addae
As the end of May has met us successfully, we praise God Almighty.
My family and I are doing fine by the Grace of God and His compassion towards all my family and the church.
In the ministry, through visitation and home cells, some souls gave their lives to Christ for baptism.
Please pray for:
· Aid for Salaga Church Temple
· Shelters for churches worshipping under trees
· Motor to visit our churches to discharge my duties
Pastor Paul
Praise God for the gift of life and for His tremendous blessing on us.
A member of the church faced constant rejection from her paternal relatives while her marriage has also been facing some storms for the past 3 months. Despite the mediation at the beginning, she left the husband's house. Due to her christianity, her own family didn't give her shelter but the church welcomed her into our mission house. Through prayers and continuous mediation, things got better and she's preparing to go back to her husband.
The role we played as a church amazed our sister and a lot of people. And today she's very happy that we stood by her side with love to overcome the challenge. She renewed her commitment to serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
We ask prayers for our “hybrid” couples – where only one person has accepted Christ and one is an unbeliever.
Thanks to all supporting our mission in the Islamic terrains.
Pastor Ernest Nyador
The church is still surviving through His abundant grace and favor.
The zeal for the Lord for many is high. Church attendance is encouraging.
People walk long distances from various villages, despite the frequent stormy rainfalls.
Other developmental works are still ongoing, including plastering and repainting of iron bars holding the roof.
Thanks to all who continuously support and pray for the church.
Pastor Elisha
Greetings to the able leadership of Ghana Christian Mission (GCM) for your support and goodwill.
Thank you to all donors and partners of GCM for your prayer support and consistent giving.
· We were able to organize activities in the month of May which our target was to win souls for the kingdom of God, and God has been faithful to us we won four souls for Christ after the program at Jama-Nkwanta. They have been baptized.
· The old and new audio stories of Konkomba which we received in the month of April have been put to good use and have brought a positive change to the old women and men in the church and also the youth as well. This has also helped our cell meetings in the month of May.
· We lack pavilion or church building.
· Another challenge we face is charging the audio bibles because the original charger was not included.
Prayer Request
· We humbly need your prayer support as the Holy Spirit leads and strengthens us to be fruitful and fulfill the purpose of God.
· We need your prayers for the evangelism team members as we are going to start another place of worship as God leads.
Pastor Daniel Liwamor
I want to thank God for my life and that of my family for the peaceful life He has given us. I also thank God for a successful end of prayers for Ghana Christian Mission pastors.
Nine (9) souls gave their lives to Christ at Bankamba and were baptized into God’s Kingdom.
Prayer Requests
· We need your prayers for these new souls that God will sustain them to remain in the church.
· Almost all our church members are farmers whose farms are being affected by the floods; please pray for them.
