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Kumdi Church Baptisms and Other Good News

Felix Nsejamesi is the cashier of the Kumdi FAME clinic as well as the assistant to the pastor of the Kumdi Christian Church. The church and clinic work among the Chumburu, Konkomba, Basari, Chukosa, and Kabela people groups. His is married to Juliana and is blessed with 2 children.

The following is Felix's report from the mission field in November/December. Please join us in thanking God and asking for his continued work:

Report for November 2018

No baptisms in November; however, one idol worshiper and also a known alcoholic received Jesus at Kanjido. The church also raised funds and bought drums for worship. In Kojoboni work is also ongoing on the chapel building. We are left with the painting. By the Grace of God, new people are being added to the church every week.

Report for December 2018

We thank Almighty God for how far He has brought us. Glory be to His Name. Baptisms: This month nine souls were baptized. We praise God for these souls who were baptized yesterday in Kojoboni Pistis Christian Church. Pray with us for spiritual growth.


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