Felix Nsejamesi is the cashier of the Kumdi FAME clinic as well as the assistant to the pastor of the Kumdi Christian Church. The church and clinic work among the Chumburu, Konkomba, Basari, Chukosa, and Kabela people groups. His is married to Juliana and is blessed with 2 children.
The following is Felix's latest report from the mission field. Please join us in thanking God and asking for his continued work:
Report for March, Baptism
One soul has been baptized into the church.
We thank Almighty God for His grace upon the church.
We are grateful to our sponsors for their support. We also give thanks to Almighty God for Fame Ghana. We are saying God richly bless you for your support.
My Family
By the Grace of God, we are doing well. We give thanks to God for all that He has been doing in the family.
My Challenges in the Ministry
The biggest challenge I have now is transportation. My motorcycle is very old and cannot reach a destination without breaking down. Therefore, I am appealing to the office and any person to assist me with a grant or a loan to buy a motorcycle, so that I can visit the churches regularly as I want. Thank you.
