Thirteen GCM workers have reported back on what life in ministry has been like recently. Please join us in prayer for them and the mission work. If you are able to fulfill any of their prayer requests, please contact us or donate. Thank you!
Part 2 (6 reports)
Paul Tevi (serving at Yezesi)
Greetings from Yezesi and Loagri.
I came back on the field after spending 1 month in Accra where I attended a workshop on Strategic Training on Engaging Muslims. It is a wonderful tool and experience for encountering the world of Islam. At Yezesi we praise God for 3 new babies born in the church. So grateful to brother Elisah, who has donated to the church 1 megaphone for evangelism. Prayer needs include rain for farmers, elementary students who have just started the third trimester of the academic year, and prayer against insecure roads and deadly accidents. May God bless all of us.
Joseph Haruna (serving in Salaga)
Greetings again form the northern region of Ghana. I believe that you are all doing well in His Word, which says that we are more than conquerors because of His great love for us.
I cannot continue this report without giving thanks and praises to God for his continuous care for my life, my family, and his ministry in this area. Apart from that I also want to thank every one of you for all your kind support and prayers I have received from you for such a long time. This time again is another opportunity to ask for your endless and continuous prayers, especially for my wife as well as my children; for the Lord to continue his grace in my life as usual.
About the challenges: They are as old as the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. The main problem we have gotten a few days ago, was one of our churches in a small village near Makango called Abelley Akuraa. Their usual place of worship is under a big tree near the roadside. On one Sunday before the worship began, an occultist agent placed a charm at the site. After much prayer, they all decided to burn the charm. This action infuriated the occultist agent, who came face to face with the church members and warned the youth that a battle has just begun between them and the church. He claims the tree was dedicated to the occult before the church began to worship under it. For Christians, the battle is for the Lord, but this confrontation is likely to continue until the church builds a place of worship and leaves the shady tree to the occultist. Hopefully, he will be converted and abandon his spiritism. I would like to suggest 1 thing, such as at least four packets of roofing sheet for the church members to erect a shed for worshipping.
Ernest Nyador (serving at Akplale)
1. Thank God for keeping my family and I safe.
2. Thank God for using us as a source of blessing to many that come our way.
3. Thanks be to God Almighty for sustaining life to members.
4. The church premises were used by Agave Christian Union Association to pray for Agave Development, Fame, and GHO. The church has also distributed MannaPack Rice to over 30 churches for the children.
Prayer Requests
1. Praying for good health for my family for another month.
2. Praying for more doors to be opened in different directions for ministry.
3. The church is about to cement the floor of the new building. We therefore need more finances.
4. May God continue to bless our children by providing more MannaPack Rice.
Felix Nsejamese (serving in Kumdi and Kojoboni)
Church Planting
This year I started a church at Chakori Kanjido through house-to-house evangelization. Our plan this May is to go to Kanjido from the 18th to the 20th with the prayer warriors and evangelization team so that on the 20th of May, which is Sunday, Bombare Pistis Christian Church would join us there. Pray for us, so that the Lord may open a door for our message so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ at Kanjido.
By the grace of God the Kojoboni Christian Church is also growing. On Sunday, May 6, 2018, we did a naming ceremony in the church for a newborn baby for one of the church families.
1. Leadership problem to take care of the new churches we planted. The good news is that last month we went to a Theological Education by Extension (T.E.E.) program for training leaders to help us. We thank God for that.
2. The other challenges are the [EDITOR: planting or painting?] of the chapel, plastic chairs, and motor tri-cycle for transporting our instruments and evangelization team to the communities where we are planting churches.
Prayer Requests
1. On May 5 a rainstorm destroyed some of my church members’ houses. We need your prayer support.
2. My son Goffered Nsejamese has an eye problem. We went to Bolgatanga Eye Centre on March 14, and they asked us to come on May 14. I need your prayer support for his healing.
We thank Almighty God for His grace upon our lives. We also thank God for Fame staff at the office. May God richly bless you. We also ask the blessing of God upon the lives of our supports for supporting us in the ministry.
Bright Nyador (serving at Lori)
We thank God for yet another wonderful and fruitful month. It has been wonderful both in the clinic and the church.
To the glory of God, I have been promoted to Senior Staff Nurse at work. It is God who has done it and we give Him glory.
Two new students with Islamic backgrounds have decided to present themselves to be taught and nurtured as Christians. Let's bear them in prayer for the bold decisions taken.
Kingsley Nyindam (serving in Tatindo)
We are thankful to the Lord for seeing us through the months March and April. We left the station for a leave on March 15. Help us thank God for a very fruitful leave and blessing us with a bouncing baby boy. I have since returned to the station. The Lord is also increasing unto His church souls; 7 converts accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and are awaiting baptism due to unavailability of water.
Bear us in your prayers. We need rain to grow our crops and water to do baptism. Keep the baby and the mother in your prayers as they are still on a maternity leave. Also keep our children in prayer; they are terribly afraid to go to the village because of an incident that happened there. We need to get them a school somewhere and need your prayers and support in this direction. We will also be doing the naming ceremony for our son on May 27 all things being equal.