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Sapeh: Building Project Restarts, Church Needs Pastor

Jonathan Sapeh and his family have been on the mission field working with FAME Ghana since 1992, and he has served as a cross-cultural evangelist at Kumdi, among the Nchumburung and Konkomba people in the Northern region of Ghana. He faces major challenges of a high illiteracy rate and idol worshipping among the people in his area.

The following is Jonathan's latest report from the mission field. Please join us in thanking God and asking for His continued work:

With all the challenges both in the churches and in my family, God's mercy abounds for us. The church in Kumdi is finally making moves to restart its church building project after several failed attempts. Concrete pillars are being erected.

Due to lack of a resident pastor in Kpandai, the church has been struggling. Therefore, I recommend Joel to be trained at Centre for Pastoral Training and Missions at Tamale so that after completion he will help the Kpandai Church. Joel completed Salaga Senior High School. Currently he is the Kumdi District Youth leader.

Prayer requests: (1) Prayer for my daughter Dzigbordi for safe delivery this month or early April. (2) For a successful funeral for the late Eld Jirima Pakanjo at Kumdi on March 22-24. No baptism was recorded for the month.


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