The Board of Directors of Ghana Christian Mission has an important and exciting announcement to make.
As you all know well, the seed of cross-cultural evangelism was planted in GCM Executive Director Enoch Nyador’s heart during his days of ministerial training at Ghana Christian College and Emmanuel School of Religion. The seed was watered by the late Dr. Robert Reeves, former Executive Director of Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism (FAME), who met him and his wife, Dr. Lydia Glover-Nyador, in Johnson City in 1985 and agreed to partner with them in medical missions in Ghana.
Ghana Christian Mission incorporated in Ghana in 1987 under the name Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism Ghana (FAME Ghana). FAME mentored and served as forwarding agent in the United States for the ministry until 2007 when Ghana Christian Mission obtained its own status as a 501(c)3 non-governmental organization in Indiana.
After 33 fruitful and God-honoring years, Enoch has decided to step down as executive director at the end of March 2021. On April 1, 2021, Wisdom Nyador will assume the role of executive director and carry on this fine and important work. Enoch has been mentoring and training Wisdom for the past year and will continue doing so through March. The Board of Directors is absolutely confident that Wisdom is well-prepared and will lead the mission forward into the future with passion and integrity.
Enoch will not simply retire, though. His passion for the work remains strong and vibrant. He will (God willing) bring Wisdom to meet as many of our donor churches as possible in the middle of 2021. After a time on sabbatical to rest and refresh, Enoch will begin a new role in developing partnerships and donors for the work in Ghana. Although Wisdom will become your primary Ghanaian contact beginning April 1, Enoch will continue to support the work by serving in this development role.
Enoch affirms his successor: “I am convinced that God has called Wisdom to serve as the new leader with integrity to take Ghana Christian Mission to the next level. He has a passion for saving lost souls, serves boldly but with humility, and is willing to learn more. His added assets are youthful energy and drive as well as top-level information technology competency. He is an excellent communicator. I endorse Wisdom with all my heart.”
If you have any questions, please contact Ron Greiner (Board Chairman) at Please enjoy the following profile and picture of Wisdom and his family!

Profile of Wisdom Nyador
Wisdom Yao Nyador was born on June 25, 1987, in the Volta Region of Ghana. Although he started his education in French language, he later went to Ghana Christian University College for a bachelor’s degree in theology from 2006 to 2010. Currently, he is studying to obtain a master’s degree in theology through an online program with South African Theological Seminary.
In November 2014 he married Rebecca. They are blessed with two children, Elom (4 years) and Dela (1 year).
His ministerial life has been full of activities since 2006. Prior to his ordination in April 2019, he has been actively involved in the church in multiple capacities. This includes teaching, preaching, leading the youth, music team, children ministry, and other roles. He also has served on church committees. Presently he is still teaching, preaching, and leading prayers while being a member of the national executive committee of the Pistis Christian Churches in Ghana. He has a great passion for seeing people led to Christ as well as providing guidance and help to brethren in need.
From 2011, he became actively involved with Ghana Christian Mission after he completed is bachelor’s degree program. Through his skills and passion for mission, he has served the mission whenever and wherever he is needed. He is currently serving as the Communication and Member Care Coordinator in which he has faithfully and diligently discharged his duties. He has worked with short-term trips and supervised projects. He has been able to build a good rapport with all staff and partners who have encountered him.
He is involved in other Christian organizations such as Agave Christian Unity Association and Ghana Evangelical Missions Association. He also serves on the Faithway Christian Academy Board.
Wisdom is fluent in both English and French and can read and write German. He also speaks four Ghanaian languages.