By Wisdom Nyador – Executive Director
A New Laborer Luke 10:2
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
This Month, GCM celebrates the addition of a new church planter to the team.
Abraham Yahaya: “I am in my 30s and from Northeast Region of Ghana. I am married to Esther, and we are blessed with Catherine, our daughter. After accepting Christ from a Muslim background, I developed the passion to serve God. In high school, I was the President of the Scripture Union. I actively witnessed to many Muslims within my community. In 2017, I was sponsored by Ghana Christian Mission to attend Dunamis Bible Institute where I continued to devote myself to evangelism and prayer. I am very happy to join the Ghana Christian Mission team in reaching out to the Chakalis who are predominantly Muslims.”
GCM is happy to introduce Abraham who will join Matthew to serve among the Chakalis. Kindly pray for God to guide the two young men and their families to represent Christ as they strive to share the gospel with boldness.

We thank God for the Management and Staff retreat, and that Matt and Stacie Rogie,
from Compassion Christian Church in Savannah were able to join us.

Prayer Points
Thank God for the opportunity for spouses of church planters to join in the retreat.
Thank God for several short-term trips being planned by churches and GHO for 2023.
Pray for the Visit of Adams and Graham from The Ridge Church in Columbus.
Pray for Mary Addae, who is still dealing with her health.
Pray for the economic situation in Ghana to become stable.
Pray for God’s peace in Ukraine, Russia, Syria, and Turkey.
Chaplain Reports - JANUARY 2023
Yeboah Ernest Junior – Benwoko Clinic
God’s unconditional love covered us from the first day of the month of January till the last day January 2023 in Jesus Christ our Lord and King. Staff and clients give all thanks and glory to God for good health and lives. The acts of God are still at work through prayer and medicine during the month January in 2023, which brought good health and grace to our clients and the staff.
Devotion and clinical works are still ongoing to the glory of God, Jesus Christ our Lord and the Holy ghost. It is our prayer that, our collective roles as team will continue to make our clients and staff feel the peace, love, hope, kindness and grace of God which bring freedom and everlasting life.
Ernest Nyador - Akplale Clinic
We are very grateful to God for the first month in 2023. God's provision and protection for the facility and staff was perfect.
Normal activities from last year are still ongoing. The PA resumed work with positive sign of growth for the facility. The only constraint facing the facility now is a water crisis. Management is working on it for a rapid solution.
We need His presence in February as well.
Pastor Paul Tevi Yizesi and Loagri Clinic
We thank God for the facilities and all the staff.
The clinics are still making impact in the communities, resolving health issues. We are supporting their work through our prayers, devotions and counseling. Our target is to be more present and to win more souls to Christ. May the Perfect Healer continue to manifest his presence through our presence.
Francis Addae – Makango Clinic
Glory be to God who has blessed and protected all the Staffs through the month of January 2023.
Dedicated treating or attending to clients who come to the facility are going well.
Almost every day and all market days are spending time together with the clients hearing the Word of God and also praying for the clients before beginning the day’s work except for emergency cases.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank God for the life of Anthony's wife, Esther. She now has a locally made prosthetic leg which enables her to walk around to bring happiness to both her family and the entire church. This is the working of God.
We also thank God for our donors who have approved to finish our Labor ward building to completion. May God bless our donors as well as Office of GCM.
I am very much excited that we had been ushered successfully into another beautiful year of 2023. Indeed, it is a gift that God Almighty had given to us. He expects us to be grateful with this gift and to make a very good use of it by impacting the lives of humanity. The month of January has been very challenging for the Kumasi Churches of the Pistis family. We want you to help join us to celebrate the goodness of God for how far He had brought us. We were privileged to host the 2023 National Council meeting for the Pistis family at Kumasi in the Mount Olive Retreat Center at Boadi from the 17th – 20th of January, 2023. The leadership of the Pistis Christian Churches were at their best. The pastors who taught during the meeting did their best. The Theme was “Marching forward into Success” with the main scripture in Phil. 3: 12 – 14.
The church at Kumasi had prayed for twenty Elders who are believing God for prayers, anointing and ordination into full time service for the Lord. We ask you to pray with us to have supporters/donors/partners to help us complete our church building. We are now at the roofing stage. We are also getting ourselves prepared for the retreat coming off at Tamale in the Northern part of Ghana, by the end of this month, January 2023. Your partnership and prayer support are highly appreciated.
Thanks be to God in the highest for his mercy upon us to see the light of day. In fact, many are friends, family members, our coworkers and Church members could not see this day, but glory and honor be unto Him for given us new year, new Month in addition, we spent some few weeks and days probably just to begin the 2023. My family and the Churches at Banda District wish to thank GCM Management, Board members and all partners both in Ghana and Abroad, for their prayers and support. Furthermore, despite the economic hardship everywhere, the Lord has been faithful in protecting, preserving and in provision.
We have done what we could as Church and individually, I have also done my part as a Servant in His Vineyards in the past year to the glory of God. This year, I pray and wish to Baptize Thirty plus people and plant at least one church God willing since I couldn't do it last year. Last year, I did twenty Baptisms and I pray and hope strongly for divine help for my strength and need your prayers and support too.
Prayer requests:
I request prayers for some of the Church's needs such as a pavilion, a well, and a motorcycle. I also pray for funding to renovate the mission house which is in a very bad shape. From the month of June to October every year, we face a water crisis and the only reservoir in the town is not sufficient. May God continually bless our partners and sponsors for their good works and thank you very much for your support we are grateful.
We have started the year with one week revival services, we met in the evenings of each day to pray to God to rekindle our spirits and meet our needs. We also interceded for people of need and our nation.
For about three years now, a brother in the unity Assembly – Nkwanta was involved in a tricycle accident and had his leg broken. Due to lack of financial support, he could not pay for the cost of surgery at Koforidua hospital. The church tried to support him, but it was not enough for the expenses involved. So, he had to settle on home treatment which finally resulted in maggots coming out of the wound. He is going through serious pain and sometime have sleepless nights. He needs prayers and financial support.

I thank God for my life and my family for giving us good health and a starting month of the year.
Secondly, three souls were baptized into Christ at Bombari.
Plans and preparations have been made to start a new church at Sagmantido Nanjiro. We need your prayers support.
Here are some pictures of the baptism.

We exalt and glorify the name of the Most High God for the protection of the Pistis Christian church at Borae No2 and the district as a whole. By the divine intervention of God, the following activities where successful in the district.
The 31st watch night was a great revival we observed in the district.
All the churches across the district observed it.
In the season of Christmas this revival thus 31st watch night is observed to cross over into the new year. This is done with prayer, songs of praises etc.
In this revival observed in Borae, three 3 persons gave their lives to Christ and will be baptized.
In January a dedicated member Named Mahama Job, at Borae no2, died after a short illness.
The Mala Church building project. This is local church under the Borae Christian Church district. There has been a pavilion raised for them with the help of central church (Borae). But a strong wind destroyed it, and the church and the district has decided to put up an auditorium for the church at Mala.
By the grace of God this project started early last year and has reached the plastering stage.
In this month of January, the local church raised funds to help the project and has pushed it further in to the finishing stage.
AYIGBE AKURA Church Building project. By the intervention of God this project has also reached the plastering stage.
We need your prayers that the souls won in the district during the 31st watch night will get deep rooted in Christ Jesus.
Also, the two projects at hand thus the mala and AYIGBE AKURA church building project hearts would be touched to help bring it to completion.
Also, the two Motorcycles targeted to purchase for Ps Yonah and Lazarus. And due to the insufficiency of the funds raised during the ordination. The money was used to purchase one motor cycle for pastor Jonah, praying that hearts will be touch to help purchase the second motor for pastor Lazarus, who pastors more than four assemblies in the district. Thank you.

The good Lord has been gracious to us so we can see the first month of the rolled to end successfully. The watch night service was held in the various branches where the members congregated in our numbers to thank God for the past year and also ask His blessings and protection for the new year. Church attendance was massive on the first Sunday as many of the worshippers came home for the Christmas. .
Prayer needs;
Pray and support the completion of the church buildings at Nambong, Moatong, and Nyorkulbul respectively.
We will appreciate your continuous prayers and support the poor widow is down by a chronic sore at Moatong.
Thank God for our brother Jonas Kisabui who currently receiving theological education. Continue to pray for him.
Pray that this year we will have a supernatural harvest of souls. Thank you.
Felix Nsejamese.
We are grateful into the Lord for his goodness, kindness and protection throughout the year 2023. The Lord has been good to the church and my family, in every area of our lives. We thank God by God's grace last year I put up information center for preaching the gospel which cover six communities and by the grace of God there are testimonies. As the scripture says Faith come from hearing the message and the message through the word of Christ Roman 10:17. I pray that may the power of the word of God continue to work in the people in Jesus might name.
Am very grateful to God for His leadership, provisions and protection for my family and ministry throughout the year 2022. The year is full of God's goodness and blessings.
Normal church activities, evangelism and others were successful. I give special thanks to Director, Fame board, Mission Resource and others for their counsels and instructions. May He lead us all throughout 2023 with good health and success.
Mathew Nwedo -Bulenga
Greetings from Mathew Nwedo a church planter committed to serve the most living God among the people of Chakali.
I thank God for his unconditional love over us and the communities of the Chakali throughout the year 2022, I thank God for ushering us successful into another great and wonderful year, I also thank God for his grace and protection over me for the past two years at Bulenga and I also thank God for the almost done project at the mission house. I want to use this opportunity once again to thank all who supporting the project I pray for God's protection, long life and prosperity over you and your families.
Prayer requests:
1. God's protection over I, pastor Abraham and our wives on the mission field.
2. God should see us and all the Chakali communities throughout the year 2023 as he did for 2022 with healthy lives.
3. God should use us, as instrument to disciple the people of Chakali.
4. God should help us do his work as a team to reach out to the people of the Chakali.
Thank you
Pastor Bismark
Let's give God all glory and honor for his mercies endure forever Amen!
My family and I are very excited for the opportunity to work in the vineyard of the creator of the Heavens and the Earth
We also thank him for his protection and provision both spiritual and physical
Thank God for what he has started to do by winning the of souls into his kingdom.
During the dry season we face serious water problem this is because we depend on the rainwater but when the rains are over, we have to go about 3 km meters away in search of water even on Sundays. This keeps us late to Church and it affects the members too. l humbly requests to you that if we are provided with a standing well, it will take away the problem of going to church late and will serve as a source of good drinking water.
Years ago, the government came and constructed my village road which affected the mission house in which I am leaving in now. I petition for a compensation for the damages but the government could not listen. The house is now a death trap to me and my family.
We humbly requested you to kindly support us do the repairs before the rains set in.
These are the pictures of the damages that have been cause to the house.
To all well-wishers and everyone, my family and I appreciate your support so much.
God bless Us all.

Francis Addae - Salaga
I can testify about how God has done to my family. A bout 2 to 3 years when my Wife was diagnosed of Cancer that had spread to the breast and spine but by the grace of God listen to our prayers and due to that she is getting better.
In the Same way am still thankful to God in behalf of my Son Robert. By God's grace and his mercy now working at Ekumdi Fame Clinic all these are the doing of God may his name are glorified.
Two Prayer Requests
1. We are praying for God's grace as we will go for Review coming 20th February our Fuel and Medical bills, May God help us to have them and its travel mercies.
2. We need God protection to the family, in the mission house and to those in school, as well as those who are far away from us. May God provide for all of us.
Thank God for 4 souls who were baptized, and the Pastor under me are now receiving support from Fame Office. May His name be praised.
We are still pleading with FAME Office to remember our challenges.
1. Because of fuel increasing, my visiting to Churches become expensive therefore, am pleading for a Motorcycle to use to cut the cost of my fuel expenses and also have a regular visit to the churches.
2. The aid of Salaga Church Temple
3. Our Churches under Trees need shelter's support.
May God bless us to work very hard in the year 2023 to bring glory to God.
Finally, prayers and Thanks also goes to our sponsors and our good people in the Office
Paul Tevi
We bless the name of our lord for this new year 2023. We thank God for the ministry and also for the 13souls baptized in January. Our students have returned on campus. Besides the academic calendar, they have started sharing and teaching the gospel in the Chakali community. We, as a church, are seriously happy about them.
We are praying for God’s favor this year to extend our building, too old and very small.

One thing to thank and praise God for in the month of January, 2023.
Thank and praise God for the immersion of five new converts who have accepted and confessed Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
They were three females and two males. One of the females cannot hear not speak.
Pray for our church to get more involved in evangelism and other soul winning activities in 2023. Thank you.

Prince YEVU
I have the Joy to praise God Almighty for allowing us to enter into another year of greatness in fact it is by his grace
The first month of the year 2023 is a year of victory on the side of God I thank God for the entire church and how far he has brought us, his grace is sufficient for his church.
I cannot forget my entire family the year 2022 was a challenging year full of many troubles but the Lord God Almighty took us through by his grace.
I want to use this opportunity to ask more prayers for my entire family to swim in his grace for victory likewise the church.
I am trying to mobilizing some funds to baptized the five Moslem youth who came to accept Christ for seven months now.
This is a testimony: a lady came to Christ for one and half years now without a child for eight years but after prayer for her and her husband, she took a seed and gave birth to a baby boy last month December. Glory be to God.
May the good Lord continue to prosper and build His churches!