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The Next Generation

The Next Generation

It is obvious that sooner or later our generation will fade out. We will get to a place where we are no longer able to complete routine chores. However, we are not discouraged by this at GCM. Because we have continually and intentionally been equipping and training the next generation. This is why with your support; we train at least 5 students at the Bible school each year and provide training in the local churches to over 400 people. Our joy is to see that the work we do does not end with the visionaries, but will be passed on to the next generation. Moses in Numbers 27 obeyed the voice of God and empowered Joshua who eventually sent the Israelites to the Promised Land. Additionally, Christ trained His disciples to carry on His work upon the earth.

In this edition of our newsletter, we throw some light on two of the students we have trained who are performing well and serving in various capacities in the church. They were trained about 2 years ago and have since been actively involved in evangelism, teaching and preaching, and leadership of the youth and the church at large. Please find below short testimonies from Nathaniel and Elisha.

“By the grace of God, I have been encouraged, helped, and guided to lead the church. We have together organized outdoor programs with the sole purpose of winning souls in the communities for the Lord. Despite all the challenges that comes with evangelizing in a Muslim community, God granted us success as we were well received by all. We have scheduled visitations to follow up with the people in order to lead them to Christ. As a former Muslim myself, I do understand the difficulty with accepting Christ publicly. We are trusting God to win them for Christ, to the glory of His holy name. We have set a target of starting at least one church in one of the neighboring communities.” - Nathaniel

“We had just completed school, and this was very hard for me. But, I started with prayer and after three days I went to my senior Pastor and told him I wanted to go to Borae Ahenfie to survey the community and also have an interaction with the community leader(s) if it was possible to start a church there. Glory be to God whose hand was upon me greatly and used me to share His word to His people in Borae Ahenfie. Many people came to the Lord and were baptized. The sick were prayed for and God stretched forth His healing hand upon them and they received their healing.” - Elisha

Please continue to pray for GCM as we continue to train more laborers for the plentiful harvest.

Prayer Needs:

· Thank God for over 40 people that were baptized in July.

· Thank God for a successful leadership training sponsored by Bring Good News international. 145 people were trained in total.

· Thank God for the progress in the construction of the Makango mother and child unit.

· Pray for all our partners who keep supporting us in prayer and funding.

· Pray for all those who were baptized to keep their faith and grow in the Lord.

· Pray for God’s blessing for all staff of GCM.

· Pray for funds to start new work among the Sisala Pasaal ($21,000 raised $39,000 yet to be raised). You may contact us for details of the total cost.


Greetings from Mathew Nwedo and Abraham Yahaya church planters committed to serving the Most High God among the people of the Chakali.

God almighty has been so good to us and the Chakali communities as a whole, in January 2023 a building project (two kitchens) was put up on the mission land for our wives.

Abraham Yahaya and his family join us on the mission field on the 9th of February. We immediately began to do the work of God together. Some of the activities we do include video shows in the nearby villages and also having one-on-one talks with the people too. Through this, we met a man and his wife who once converted from Islam to Christianity but later went back to Islam. After sharing God’s word with them, they re-surrendered their lives to Christ and joined us to worship on Sundays. Another Muslim man also joined and worshiped with us but unfortunately became sick and died after three months.

Although we have our worship service in our living room in the mission house, we desire to relocate the worship service to a nearby school (classroom) to have more space. Some others would like to also join us but would prefer a more open space which will be closer to them. Currently, the mission house is on the outskirts of the community. Additionally, we do door-to-door evangelism, and through the evangelism, we met a young man - Daana, who has had a sore on his leg for ten (10) years without any medical attention. The sore was so bad that he was bleeding on a daily basis, and one of the bones in the leg (Fubila) was rotten and visible. His HB was less than 4.0 This was reported to the director of the mission and with his help and support from other people we were able to send him to the hospital for treatment. After spending two months at the hospital with surgeries that removed the rotten bone, he is recovering and responding well to treatment. He is now able to walk with the help of a cane and sometimes all by himself. Currently, he has accepted Christ and waiting to be baptized.

We are much grateful to God almighty for seeing Esther (Abraham’s wife) through a successful surgery to deliver their second child- a baby boy. Kindly pray for my wife, Gifty who is also seven months pregnant with our first child. Lastly, nineteen students from the school where Gifty does her teaching practicals came and worshiped with us. We prayed for them and also provided them pens for their examination that will grant them access to High School.

We are grateful for a visit from management

Kindly pray with us in the following areas: Pray that the souls who come to Christ will remain in Christ and grow spiritually. Pray that our effort through the Jesus Film show in the village will yield great result Pray for Daana to fully recover and serve as a testimony to God’s Goodness. Pray for the students to be touched by the word of God we share with them.

Pray for our safety as we continue to witness a 97% Islam-dominated community.

Thank God for the kitchen that was built to help us in our stay on the mission field.

Thank God for the few people who have accepted Christ.


Pastor John Kpormegbe

We thank God for your prayer support.

We thank God for His grace and for the entire evangelism team.

I believe you and your families are doing well. We appreciate FAME GHANA and PLAINFIELD CHRISTIAN CHURCH for their tremendous support and kindness. The Church at Banda is giving praise to God for how far He has brought us. The Evangelism program at Buya on the Kpandai Road is ongoing and again, we need your prayer support. We have added Jama Nkwanta (a place we want to start a church) which is a few meters ahead of Buya on the same road; please, pray with us as we try to plant two or three churches this year.


The challenge in starting a new church is till persistent: that is a place of worship, Leadership and some logistics needed such as chairs and basic musical instruments genuinely affect the efforts put into church planting.

Prayer Requests

We humbly ask for your prayers. We need more grace and support to continue this noble work of giving that opportunity to our friends, fathers and mothers who are to know Christ. We met 17 of them who were ready and prepared for baptism; hence, we have baptized 6 males and 11 females. God bless us all.

Ps. Yeboah Ernest Junior – Yeshua Love Christian Church, Garu

Peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to dwell in us, leading us to live a life of righteousness in Jesus Christ to the glory of God.

We still continue in the word of God, which is life and spirit, to transform us into likeness and true disciples of our master Jesus Christ. All various church activities are still ongoing, such as prayer meetings, Bible studies, Sunday morning church service, evangelism and many more.

It is our prayer that our Lord Jesus, reveals himself and minister to all those we have spoken to them about the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ for them to be saved and become disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Paul Akuteye

The month of July was very successful. The rain came in its numbers, but we did not experienced much disasters like we did the previous year.

The Abassey family from Navrongo are giving us a number of souls who are interested in baptism by immersion.

This month alone we have been able to baptize nine (9) souls in Kumasi; to God be the glory, for what He has done.

We, the leadership at Kumasi, are grateful to God and to the leadership of the F.A.M.E Ghana for the initiative of sponsoring ten (10) people – all from the Kumasi assembly into the Dunamis Bible Institute. People from the Ashanti Region of Ghana need a lot of training and F.A.M.E Ghana has come to our aid to support the people in the Ashanti region of Ghana. May the Good Lord continue to bless you mightily.

We do not have a library for the Bible institute in Kumasi. The church in Kumasi has a plot of land that could be used for the construction of the library for the Bible Institute, which could also serve as a community which in turn could also serve the whole three communities such as Oduom, Aperade, and Anwomaso communities.

We also pray that the partners will come to our aid by giving to the church grants that will help us to finish with the roofing of our building.

It has taken the people of Kumasi a very long time to be financially vibrant since most of the members are all students and apprentices.

Your partnership and support for us as a church is highly appreciated.

Pastor Ernest Nyador – Akplale

Thank God the month of July ended successfully.

Normal church activities are progressing steadily. Evangelism is being intensified despite no soul won in July.

The GHO team had a church service with the church. It was full of singing and dancing.

We pray for goodness and mercy in August.

Pastor Bismark Kassata

I give God the glory to have seen another month and to have seen the beginning of the new month.

The church in the Ntrubo area is doing well by grace.

Thank God there has been a great revival amongst the churches, because we had two powerful retreats with FAME management.

The two powerful retreats empowered the leadership of the church who has since gone to bring the backsliding members back to the Lord.

Through the above program, the youth wing in the Ntrubo area has organized an all-night prayer program every two weeks.

This is the picture of the backslided youth that came back as a result of the program “Walk through the Bible” and “Growing the Local Congregation.”

The Lord is doing wonderful things by healing that was experience in God’s presence.

number of youths that attend church on Sundays grew after these training sessions and revival prayers.

We wish we could have those programs every year. We pray that funds will be available for the programs to continue.

I request you to pray for our youth to maintain their commitment to the Lord.

My family and I request you to kindly pray for God's grace to overshadow us to do His work.

We show appreciation to our sponsors for the good work for the Lord; we pray for God's blessings for you beyond measure


Pastor Felix Nsejamese

We give praises to God for his blessings upon us.

By the grace of God, church activities, preaching house to house evangelization and prayers is going on. Nu Wuriboare Asen (meaning Hear the Word of God) information center always shares devotions and meditation every morning to the community. This is because we strongly believe that “faith come by hearing and hearing of the word of God”.

We also visited Tenglen-Malando but they asked us to wait; we are trusting God to plant a church there. For now, Solomon is fellowshipping with Kojobone C.C.

We need your prayer support for more open doors for soul-wining and church planting.

Pastor Kingsley Nyindam

We praise God for seeing us through the seventh month of the year. Baptism: six souls accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior and were baptized.

Pastor Paul

We are very grateful to our Maker for the gift of life.

Last month, a church member recovered from a severe sickness she went through. The head of her family has pressured her to abandon her faith in Jesus and go for a local treatment involving animal sacrifice.

She resisted by telling them that "alive or dead she is the child of God". She received an ultimatum that she will die if she didn't perform the sacrifice. She stood on her faith. She is doing very well now completely healed. At the end the head of the family confessed to her. “Your God is a true God". We celebrated her faith and total commitment.

Let's continue to pray for peace in the communities where Islam and idol worship are dominant

Pastor Addae

Praise be to God for watching over us.

My wife’s next review is scheduled for August 28 in Kumasi.

We give thanks to God for the old lady who fell down; she is now back in the village and walking with the aid of crutches – we pray she will soon walk unaided.


1. To have a motorcycle for mission’s monitoring

2. The aid of Salaga Church Temple

3. Our churches under trees need support/help for shelter.

May God bless us all


May the grace and peace of God be multiplied to us all.

I bring you greetings from the Pistis Christian Churches in the Borae District.

By the grace of God all the members, elders and pastors in the district are doing well.

Through the intervention of God, the following activities where successful in the district.

1. Revivals

Children Ministry Week Celebration

The children ministry week celebration begun on the 5th of July to 9th of July.

By the intervention of God, the program was very successful.

Funerals / Burials

Madam Evelyn Dzamboe, a dedicated member at Borae Central Church, died on the 29th of March and was kept in the morgue, and her burial was scheduled by the church leaders in the district as follows.

Wake: 4th August 2023

Burial: 5th August 2023

Venue Likpe Kurantumi in the Oti Region under Hohoe district.

By the intervention of God, He granted the church a peaceful, traveling mercy on Friday morning to Lekpe and the burial was successful. The church traveled back to Borae safely as well. 37 people attended from Borae district.

2. Projects

a. Borae Central Church Building Project

By God’s grace the project begun in the Year 2019 has reached the stage of plastering, fixing of glass windows, flooring with tiles and painting.

b. Ayigbe Akura Church Building Project

This project was started at the beginning of last year. By the grace of God, it has reached plastering and flooring with cement and painting.

c. Dambai Church Building Project.

During 2021 Christmas Convention, funds raised was given to the host church (Dambai) the money was used to mold block, by the grace of God, blocks have been laid around the pavilion raised.

4. Wonando Building Project.

The Wonando assembly leaders, decided to put up a church building, since the old one got cracked, by the grace of God, the leaders decided to mold blocks with cement and the project is progressing nicely.

Prayer Request

· We want you to help us thank God for the traveling mercies granted to the church, and for the successful burial of our beloved mother Madam Evelyn Dzamboe whose burial happened in the Likpe Kurantumi.

· And also, the projects at hand in the district, thus the Borae central church building project, Wonando building project Ayigbe Akura assembly building project, Damabai building project – that the heart of men will be touched to help in cash or in kind to bring the projects to completion.

Daniel Liwamor

To God be the glory for another month has ended successfully.

The Bombari church is engaged in construction work and in also digging of a manhole to enable them complete the church building we started in 2019. Currently by God’s grace, it is about ninety percent completed.

The work left includes down flowing, fixing floor tiles and windows louvres.

Prayers Request

We need your prayers support to complete this work we have started.

Pastor David Addy Akpesey – Transformation Christian Church, Awutu Papaase

Thank and praise God for our evangelism activities at Keaobondzie, a community near Awutu Papaase.

We have been trying to get a classroom from the public Methodist Basic School in the community to start a fellowship. We have officially applied to the school authorities and are waiting for their response. Anytime their response is granted we will start a fellowship with the few souls we have won there.

Pray for Brother Constant Sekloasi who fell off a motorcycle while on his way to Keaobondzie for evangelism activities.

He had a waist problem and as a result of the fall, he has not been able to go to work as a mason for the past three weeks. Pray for a speedy recovery for him.

John Newman Peni – Nkwanta / Adele Area


During the Municipal Women Convention in Nkwanta in June, a lady was brought by one of the elders to be prayed for because she was encountering a problem.

She was a Roman Catholic. The Good News was preached to her and she accepted Christ as her savior. She was then prayed for. This July she came for baptism by immersion. Praise God.

In the months of June and July I had three motor accidents but by the grace of God I had only minor injuries but my motor-bike had some parts broken. Thank God I am safe.

Prayer Requests

Our Sister Beauty who had the breast cancer has been called home. Final funeral rites were supposed to be on the 25th August but has been postponed till further notice. Pray for the bereaved family.

Johnathan Sapeh

I thank God for my family. My son, Yayra, was sick of food poisoning in Tamale. He was admitted to the Tamale Teaching Hospital for days, but by the grace of God he is ok now. I also thank God for the churches in Kumdi District.


1. Organized a 2-day prayer and revival meeting at Kumdi. About five people received deliverance from the power of darkness.

2. Went and prayed with my wife at Dzogborve.

3. Attended "Walk through the Bible” seminar in Tamale. I have learned a lot from this seminar which will help me a lot; thanks to GCM and BGNI.

4. Participated in the free medication program organized by ACUA and GCM, Ghana in collaboration with Global Health Outreach, which took place in Agbagorme and Tsigbene in the Volta Region. I served as an interpreter. Happy to be part of wonderful program.

Prayer requests

1. The Kumdi Mission house needs immediate renovation. Its current condition doesn't suit to be a mission house.

2. Motorbike for Pastor Joel Bakando in Kpandai to help him do effective evangelism.

3. To get a house in Sogakope before my retirement in 2025.


Pastor Yeboah Ernest Junior – Fame Clinic, Benwoko

From the depths of our hearts as staff, we thank God for his goodness and love towards us in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bind us together as a team and a unit as we work in the clinic to His glory. Devotion, clinical activities still ongoing, the patients are taken care of with love and kindness of God through us in Jesus Christ. We thank management for clinical items supplied to the facility.

It is our prayer that God will strengthen and see us through the month of August, as we work as a team to spread the fame of Christ Jesus far and near.

Pastor Paul Tevi – FAME Clinic, Loagri

We thank God for another successful month. Daily activities are performed continuously. Prayers and the Word of God for the sick have been given. We are still close to those in need. I the rest of the year will be bring more success stories for God's glory.

Pastor Ernest Nyador – Fame Clinic, Akplale

Thank God for successful end of July. Normal clinic activities are progressing.

God is in total control over the welfare of the staff and all clients.

Despite some few constraints at the lab set up, hope is assured.

Praying against lukewarm attitude in some of the staff.

Praying for more resources and breakthroughs for Fame.

Addae Francis – Makango Fame Clinic

God has done it again by taking care of both entire staff and clients. Unfortunately, 2 of our 3 midwives have gone for maternity leave and the other one had emergency call, but in all, the in-charge Mr. Fideles ( a senior staff nurse) took a bold step and was to led by the Spirit of God and his experience to all labor cases to deliver successfully.

All the activities such as devotions, clinicals, antenatal as well as the construction team are all working hard. We want to use this opportunity to thank the management team for their efforts in everything especially in drugs purchases. May God bless us all, especially our staff and donors.


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