By GCM Staff
Makango is a rural community in the north of Ghana with a population of about 4,000 people. FAME CLINIC Makango was established by Ghana Christian Mission in 1999 to serve the health needs of the people, most of whom live and fish along the shores of the Volta Lake.
The facility has a staff strength of 19, made of clinical and administrative workers. The prevalent diseases in the area include malaria, respiratory infections, high blood pressure, skin infections, yeast infections, and others.
In 2018, the clinic had 12,743 total patient visits and 194 babies were delivered. From January to August 2019, the facility had recorded 13,937 patient visits and 125 baby deliveries. Glory be to God! This is the love of Christ being demonstrated in the community in loving medical care.
In order to have more room to serve the community, an extension project has been started to add more room for delivery of babies and caring for mothers before and after delivery. Currently the building has been roofed. More funding is needed to complete the complete the floors, ceiling, windows, electrification, and plumbing. Please pray with us for this project (below) to be completed in the near future.