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Kanjido and Dalando Churches

Felix Nsejamesi is the cashier of the Kumdi FAME clinic as well as the assistant to the pastor of the Kumdi Christian Church. The church and clinic work among the Chumburu, Konkomba, Basari, Chukosa, and Kabela people groups. His is married to Juliana and is blessed with 2 children.

The following is Felix's latest report from the mission field. Please join us in thanking God and asking for his continued work:


We thank God for all the three churches: Kojoboni, Kanjido, and Dalando.

Kojoboni: By the grace of God the church is growing, especially women and children. On June 30, 2019, attendance was 53 children, 30 women, and 13 men making a total of 96. This is an improvement compared to the earlier part of this year. We are so grateful to God.

We are working hard to plant churches in three new communities: Lambado, Takinado, and Benadomdo. We need your prayer support.

In the month of May, we fasted and prayed for Ghana Christian Mission, its partners, donors, and its programs.

Our Challenges and Prayer Request

We desire to reach out and hold more outdoors programs. However, our challenge has been transporting our musical and sound system to and from the venue. We pray for God to use you to provide a tricycle. The current cost is 12,000 Ghanaian cedis, which is equivalent to $2,400.

The Church in Kanjido

We thank God for the church in Kanjido.

I also thank God for the leaders in the church, especially brothers Maxwell and John, whom God is using to build the church.

I am unable to often visit this church due the distance between us as well as the condition of my motorcycle. Please join us pray for God to provide a motorcycle. One of our biggest challenges in Kanjido is church building. We are worshiping under trees, and whenever it is raining, then we cannot have church service and other programs. We need your prayer and support.

The Church in Dalando

We thank God for the church in Dalando. The challenge in Dalando is there were no men in it until last month. Because the women could not read and write, it was difficult to delegate someone among them to lead in my absence. However, I believe God is going to use Matthew and Stephen to build the church again to His Glory.

Prayer request for Dalando church: We are worshiping under trees; I also need your prayers for Matthew and Stephen as they undergo monitoring and mentoring.

My Family

We are so grateful to the Lord for His grace upon us. Godfred and Benedicta are in school at Kpandai now.

Ghana Christian Mission

We thank Almighty God for His grace upon Ghana Christian Mission. We also thank God for our brothers from the U.S. who visited us. We are so grateful. God richly bless you. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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