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By His Wounds

"He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds, you have been healed.” ~ 1 Peter 2:24

Although the Bible assures us that we have been healed by the wounds of Christ, we still acknowledge the general medical procedures to complete our faith. GCM, through its seven clinics, has been providing both physical and spiritual healing to over 70,000 people each year. We provide care such as

Outpatient services (OPD) Antenatal care (ANC)

Postnatal care (PNC) Child Welfare Clinic (CWC)

Family Planning Laboratory services

Obstetrics / Abdominal ultrasound Scans Services

Health Education Nutrition services

To be able to effectively offer these services, we rely largely on trained and certified staff.

We use this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to FAME for providing scholarships to train people in health institutions. Currently, three people are in training in the following areas: midwifery, general nursing, and Pediatric Nursing.

Please continue to pray for Faustina, Happy, and Elijah who are beneficiaries of the scholarship.

Continue to pray for GCM’s clinics that many more people who come to the clinics will respond positively to the Gospel as our church planters engage them with the Gospel.

Prayer Points

Thank God for the just-ended Easter convention that had over 700 people in attendance. We pray God will use the encouraging convention sessions to impact people and challenge them to live out their faith in the villages, sharing with others the love of Jesus they have found.

Thank God for all the health staff of GCM (126 staff in 7 clinics)

Thank God for the continuing work to complete the Mother and Child Center at Makango. May God keep the workers safe and allow them to finish their work well and in a timely fashion.

Pray for funds for the renovation of the Loagri Clinic (it serves an average of 1500 per month).

Pray for Faustina, Happy and Elijah to successfully complete their studies and serve God through GCM’s Clinics. Ask the Lord to not only help them learn and retain all the information they will need, but also be encouraged to serve with joy and passion.

Pray for Dr. Winder and her team who are visiting Ghana for the first time.



We, staff of Benwoko fame clinic are thankful to God, His son Jesus Christ our Lord, and His Holy Spirit our Comforter.

Morning devotion and all related health activities are still ongoing to the glory of God.

There are outstanding things, our Lord Jesus Christ is doing through the nurses to affect the well-being of our clients by making them be healed through medicines administered onto them according their illness.

Young man and young boy were brought to clinic due to explosion from a locally gun. Both were severely injured and lost so much blood. However, due to timely intervention of the health staff, the cases were treated, and the two clients have responded to treatment and wound dressing.

Two pregnant women miraculous delivered their new babies safe and sound.

Fame Clinic Makango - Francis Addae

Am very grateful to God and his protection given to all the Staffs from the beginning of the year 2023 and especially in the month of March 2023.

By the grace of God many clients are getting their health back, pregnant mothers delivered safely without difficulties.

In addition to our regular prayers, on March 31 during our evening prayer session, a pregnant woman in labor pains was rushed in, but after I have prayed for her and strengthen her with the word of encouragement, she delivered shortly after that. That same evening a 5-year-old child was brought to the clinic with malaria and vomiting. We also prayed with him and by the next morning he fully recovered and was discharged to continue his medication home.

This special thanks goes to our Top Management Team who's always encourage and provide the needs of the clinic. Due to their good management and hard work, the construction of the mother and Child unit is steadily improving.

May God bless all the staff in GCM.

Kumdi Clinic - Felix Nsejamese.

Glory been to God, we thank God for the live of brother Solomon from Tenglen-Malando in the northern region. Two Years ago (2021), he was bought to Fame Clinic Kumdi motionless. A compilation of prayers and medical treatment brought him back to life. I started witnessing Christ to Solomon and praying for him since then. Finally, on the 29th of March 2023 Solomon called me he would like to give his life to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and on the 30th of March 2023, Solomon gave his life to our Lord Jesus.

This is what the reason why GCM continues to run the clinics so that through the missionaries, all may have the chance to hear about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Loagri and Yizesi Clinics – Paul Tevi

Praise to the Almighty.

We thank God for another successful month in terms of health care delivery.

The impact is so huge: first aids and treatment, follow up, delivery at the doorstep of all of us. That is one of the reasons our presence is highly accepted in the muslin community. Lives have been saved.

We pray for more improvement.

Together we can.


Pastor John Kpormegbe

Thanksgiving: We thank God for the gift of life and His abundant grace given to me, my family, and the churches. Thank you for your prayers and support as well. Thank you to all our partners, both in Ghana and abroad. Thank you, GCM, for your good work. Thank you, Plainfield Christian Church, what a big family.

Prayer request:

· Due to the chieftaincy dispute I reported to you in my last reports, many people have left their homes; please pray for all those who continue to suffer the consequences of the dispute.

· Pray for the new project at Buya; that we may be able to fish them out for Christ.

· We are all praying and believing in God to join our hearts together and celebrate our King and Savior for His Death and Resurrection at Kintampo. I'm going with my children and wife. God richly bless all.

Pastor Samuel Dzobo

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who died and arose on the third day. By the divine mercies and the protection of God all the members in Borae and its environments are doing exceedingly well.

The two pastors raised by church planter Samuel Dzobo, were ordained during the last Christmas convention at Papaye. During the ordination, one motorcycle was purchased and was given to Pastor Yona Lati. It was our heartfelt prayer that the other Pastor, Lazarus Lengi, who pastors more than four churches in the district would also be blessed with a motorcycle. By the grace of God, GCM donated a motorcycle to the district and has been given to pastor Lazarus Lengi. This has brought great joy in the life of pastor and the churches in the district. We want to say a big thank you to God and GCM.

Through the interventions of God, the following activities were possible in the month of March:


The district executives under the leadership of church planter Samuel Dzobo planned it in the programs for the year. The month of March 9th to 12th is the set date as the district youth week celebration. By the grace of God, this program was very successful and has brought a great spiritual awakening in the lives of the youths.

The Chendri end of month revival

As scheduled by the zonal pastor and the entire leaders in Magnendo Zone that at the end of every month, they will embark on an all-night service. By the grace of God almighty, this program was very useful, this program brought a great revival in the magnendo zone.

And three people gave their lives to Christ and are awaiting baptism.


The Mala Church building project:

This project begun early last year and by the grace of God, the outside has been plastered with cement, remaining the floor and plastering the interior of the building.

The Wonando Christian Church building project:

This local church under the Borae District embarked on the church building early this year (February 2023). The old church building had a crack and can fall at any time. So, the members planned of raising a new church building. By the grace of God, they have been able to raise it and has reached the roofing stage.

Borae building project:

By the interventions of God, this building has reached the plastering and finishing stage.

3. Prayers Request

· The district is asking that you help us thank God for answering our prayers.

· Secondly, we need your prayers that the three church building projects in Borae, Marla and Wanando; pray that hearts would be touched to help bring it to completion, especially the Wonando building project before the rain brings it down.

· Pray the three souls won for Christ during the Magnendo Zone all night revival would get deeply rooted in Christ Jesus.

Pastor Francis Addae

Glory be to God for his blessings on my family and the ministry.

By his grace the month of March is over successfully and in good health.

In the month of March one aged woman in the Kenkelen Christian Church who usually encourages other to give their lives to Christ fell and broke few bones. She is now constrained to the wheelchair. Despite the fall and the pain, she is encouraging other to receive Christ. I visited her twice. As at now, she is undergoing local treatment. Kindly remember her in prayers.

These are the challenges in our operations.

Aid for the Salaga Church Temple

Our churches under trees need support for shelters.

May God bless us all.

Pastor Sampson Darko

We bless the name of the Lord for giving us life. I thank God for donors who availed themselves to give us mechanized water system.

My people praised God and the donors. Water issues have been solved.

May the good Lord blessed you all. Attached are some women fetching water.

Pastor Paul Tevi

Greetings in the name of the Resurrected God.

I would like to share the short story of a woman who is now a Christian. Her two sons, Peter and Paul, who were already our church members tried to bring their mother to Christ without any success. Despite her resistance, they continued to pray for her, showing love to her, living an exemplary life among the extended family and peers. And the woman finally was touched. Today we can see them together worshiping God.

May the power of the Holy Spirit continue to lead and unite them.

Pastor Paul Akuteye I am very excited that by the Grace of God, we have successfully come to the end of another challenging month. The month of March is also called the Ghana month. Indeed, it was the month that Ghana had its independence from colonial rule. A Muslim man by name Mr. Karim who was suffering from tuberculosis was sent from the Hospital to go home since there was no improvement in the treatment of his illness. We got informed and decided to visit him and pray with him. After few visits in month of March, We saw that he was recovering from all the symptoms of the illness. He could now perform activities that he could not do. He is yet to receive Christ and is be baptized. He has promised to do that after Easter.

The chief of Oduom – Kumasi has given a piece of land close to our Church. The leadership has planned to build a community library on that piece of land. In our next report we will send pictures of both Mr. Karim and family and the piece of land. Pray with us for Mr Karim and his family and for sponsors to help us start the Community Library which will serve both the Pistis family and the community. I believe it is going to be an evangelism tool to win souls for Christ and His Kingdom on earth.

Pastor Bismark Kassatta

Let’s praise God for his mercies endure forever.

By grace of God the church in the Ntrubo area is doing well.

We had a great revival at Pusupu where we have a branch church. This church does not have a chapel so they worship in the classroom. I sat with the leadership and we organized for a retreat to get some money to purchase land for the church.

At the end of the program, we were able to buy 4 plots of land for the church.

The Lord again used me for a miracle in a pregnant woman's life

This woman was in labor for 3 days in the Community Health Center but unable to give birth.

She was referred to the District Hospital where she spent two days without being able to give birth after the doctors did all they could.

They told her she was to undergo surgery.

The following morning at 3pm when she was about to be taken to the theatre, she called me to pray for her on phone. After the prayer l told her to tell the doctor to wait for 30mins to see what the Lord will do.

In 20minutes, she called me and told me that she has given birth to a baby girl.

On arrival, the family of the couple have given their lives to Christ. ln the pictures is the little baby girl.

My family is requesting you to kindly pray for us because it seems like we always spend our salary on medical bills.

Pastor John Newman Peni

A church has been planted at Kabre Akura near NKwanta.

One person has surrendered her life to Christ and has been baptized.

Pray that more souls will be won for Christ as we go out to evangelize. Elder Noah Brufa at NKwanta has undergone surgery. Pray for speedy recovery.

Pastor Daniel Liwamor

I am very grateful for the Lord’s goodness to me and my family. The Lord has been good to us for the whole month of March; none of my children or any member of the family complained that she or he is not well. I praise God for that.

Secondly, one of my planned activities for the year which includes church planting began last month at Sagmantido near Nanjiro. I visited this community first by introducing myself to the community head and some opinion leaders, and we were accepted. We went there again to share the good news of our lord Jesus Christ and then showed the Jesus films in the evening. At the end, two women and thirteen children received Jesus as their Lord and personal savior.

I should give credit to the projector. Initially the first day we entered the community it was difficult for us to share the massage to them. But thank God that when I started showing the video (Jesus films) they came out in their numbers, and I had opportunity to share Gods Word.

Prayer Request

I need your prayer support for the people of Sagmantido; that God would touch their hearts and convince them. That church will start soon if God permits.

Pastor Ernest Nyador

Thank God March has ended successfully.

There were many blessings He bestowed on us. Though no baptisms were made, there was total stability for members.

I made one outdooring in the month.

Also, an Elder, Deacons and Deaconesses were ordained.

We are praying for funds to go to National Easter Convention. We also pray for travel mercies for everyone during this period and beyond.

תגובה אחת

29 במרץ 2023

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to keep all His labourers in the vineyard.

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