By Paul Tevi
Praise the Almighty for His goodness in our lives. He has been merciful to us here in the Northeast. In Loagri what a dream has been is now a reality. We got finally a new pavilion through the financial support of our donors from USA. We are deeply touched by this great gesture and so grateful for it. It has closed several years of worshiping in a classroom. But we are still waiting for the ban to be lifted on church activities, to have our first joint service with all our sister churches. It is unfortunate to note that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the government of Ghana to put a ban on all social gathering. The churches therefore must suffer of this new direction. But we are focused on home visitation, online prayer tower, phone calls to keep the fire burning in Yzesi.
For example, the prayer warrior team is still holding twice in the week a prayer session that has been transferred to a new park at the edge of the community, making sure that the social distance is respected. Again, we were involved in the National Prayer Chain programmed to intercede in this crucial time. We are still trusting the Lord to take us through.
"When we walk through the Valley of shadow of death, we grow stronger and stronger."