Last month we shared updates on how GCM, with support from FAME, is training people at the medical school. This month, we want to highlight the work of the medical staff and the chaplains at our clinics. We are sharing a specific incident at one of our clinics.
“Glory be to God! We thank God for the life of Brother Solomon from Tenglen-Malando in the northern region. Two years ago (in 2021), he was brought to Fame Clinic Kumdi motionless. A combination of prayers and medical treatment brought him back to life. I (Felix – Chaplain) started witnessing Christ to Solomon and praying for him since then. Finally, on the 29th of March 2023 Solomon called me and said he would like to give his life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and on the 30th of March 2023, Solomon gave his life to our Lord Jesus. Today as I write, he has given his life to Christ and has been baptized. “

GCM believes, that Christ came to provide total healing. In Luke 4:18, He gives a message that suggests His mission is to preach the Gospel and provide healing to the body and the soul. This and other similar stories motivate us to keep sharing the Gospel through any available medium. Yes, it took two years, for Solomon to accept Christ, but it also took your prayer support and generous giving for us to keep sharing the gospel during the waiting period.
Please continue to pray and give to GCM so many more would come to know our Lord Jesus.
Prayer Needs:
· Thank God for the live of Solomon. Pray that he will grow in the faith.
· Thank God for a successful training on Mental Health Awareness.
· Thank God for others who were baptized.

Pastor John Kpormegbe
Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Truly, truly, God's magnificent grace is sufficient for the people of Ghana and at Banda in the Oti Region.
The Banda District has deemed it a privilege to express this sincere gratitude to all partners both in Ghana and abroad. We appreciate and recognize FAME GHANA and PLAINFIELD CHRISTIAN CHURCH for your kindness and faithfulness shown to my family and the church as well. Thank you for adding me to the Fame family. When I was going to the Convention at Kintampo, I asked for your prayers and by the grace of God, I went with my family and came back safely, glory be to God.
The Vision for this Month is the same compared to the previous ones. I appreciate the way you are all praying for me to plant a new church at Banda Buya on the Kpandai Road. The team and I are working hard to fulfill this dream. We have made several visits and it has been encouraging. We humbly ask for more of your prayers.
Prayer request:
· Prayers that the people who have left Ahenfie and Nkwanta because of the chieftaincy disputes would come back soon.
· We need more than two churches so, keep us in your prayers all the time in order to harvest and grow people unto the Lord. Lastly, I pray to God for more open doors both spiritually and financially to support the work of God greatly.
God Richly bless all in Jesus’ Name.
Pastor Francis Addae
Thanks be to God for watching over our lives through the month of April 2023.
I thank God for my entire family.
I also thank God for safe journeys through the month of April
In all, we are still asking for prayers to have protection and good health for my family; Mary’s (my wife) next review is scheduled for May 29th.
God is still blessing and protecting us.
Glory be to God for our old lady who fell and had a dislocated waist. The good news is that, she is responding to treatment.
Our expectations are to see her healed and back to the church soon.
Besides, these are the challenges in our operations.
1. To have a motorcycle for mission’s monitoring
2. The aid of Salaga Church Temple
3. Our churches under trees need support/help for shelter.
May God bless us all.
Pastor Samuel Dzobo
Calvary greetings from Borae No.2 District.
We thank God for his protection over the pastors, elders, and the members in the district.
By the grace of God, the following activities where possible in the district:
1. The Magnendo building project
The Magnendo assembly planned to put up a church pavilion, funds were raised by the church and has started this project by raising the pillars with cement and molding of blocks.
2. The Chendri church building project
The Chenderi local pavilion was raised with the help of Fame Ghana.
The people worshipped there for some number of years now. Due to how it wasn't built, animals would enter anytime and it got flooded whenever it rained. This made it difficult for them to hold services on days it rained heavily. So, the church planned of molding blocks to build it. By the grace of God, this project is ongoing.
3. Wonado church building project
The Wonando assembly, embarked on this project earlier this year. By the grace of God this project has reached the roofing stage.
4. Mala church building project: The Mala assembly also embarked on this project early last year, and by the grace of God has reached the plastering stage.
We are praying and need your prayers, too, that the various projects at hand in the district, thus the Magnendo, Chendri, Mala and Borae will get funding to bring it to completion.
Thank you.

Pastor Bismark Kassata
Praise the Lord, for his mercies endure forever in our lives.
As usual the church in Ntrubo area is doing well both spiritually and physically to the glory of God.
I want to share a testimony with you.
One of my elders reported to me, about his missing pumping machine at the working place.
We organized the church and prayed that God would bring the criminal to us.
On the dawn of 30th April, three men came to elder Agbesi, whose machine was stolen, and confessed to stealing the machine and asking for his forgiveness.
We request to help me thank God for those wonderful prayers being answered.
I again request you to pray for my family and for the healing hands of the Lord to be on my children.
God bless our sponsors both home and abroad, beyond measure
Pastor Paul
Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank the Almighty God for a successful participation in the Easter convention at Kintampo (Bono East).
Pastor Nathaniel Abdullai is also back in Loagri after spending 3 months with the church of Kumdi under the leadership of Pastor Jonathan Sapeh for his intership.
As a church we stood together with a Christian who died in the community. His last will is to have only funeral service performed by the church nothing from his tradition. As usual some elders in the family thought otherwise. Most of the children living in the south endorsed the father's will. Despite the spiritual treats, we finally handled everything successfully.
This is the first-time total tradition has been exempted from a funeral.
The testimonies are great and amazing. We, as a church, have opened a new path in the community.
Let's continue to remember and pray for mission in communities dominated by Muslims and African traditional religion.
Shalom to you all.
Pastor David Addy Akpesey – The Transformation Christian Church, Awutu Papaase
The Transformation Christian Church was able to raise GHS 2,500.00 to support 14 members who represented the church at the PISTIS National Easter Convention at Kintampo.
This amount was used to pay half of the cost of the minibus we hired to the conversation at Kintampo. The church also supported the families of Appiah and Badu when they both lost their fathers. The church participated in both funerals and donated cash to support both families.
Pray for a three-day one-on-one evangelism and outdoor crusade program at a community called Keaobondzie, not too far from Awutu Papaase, from Thursday 25th to Saturday 27th April, 2023. Pray for souls to be won for Christ and the Kingdom of God.
Felix Nsejamese
Glory be to God, we thank God for the life of Brother Solomon once again; he has been baptized into the kingdom of God.
We continue to train him to become a disciple, for us to plant a church at Tenglen-Malando. We need your prayer support, this is what GCM is about – from clinic to church.
I thank God for my sponsors for giving me this strong motorcycle, I am grateful. May our good Lord richly bless you.

Daniel Liwamor
Thank God the month of April has ended successfully and peacefully. The month of April was the month of our National Easter convention which we all went to Kintampo for.
I'm sincerely grateful to God for his traveling mercy, we went and came back peacefully.
Secondly, Richmond is one of the new converts from Bombari. Before he gave his life to Christ, he was involved in a car accident at Kintampo. They were two on motorcycle and they crashed with a car and the other person’s head was cut off. He was rushed to hospital and God saved him, but one of his legs had to be amputated. One Sunday morning, Richmond took a bold decision and called on me to lead him to Christ. Since then, he has been punctual in all church activities.
Because of his seriousness I gave him some money to start a business since he cannot do any hard work so he can make a living out of it.
Again, the crutches he used was weak and I went to consult our FAME clinic in charge (Mr. Elijah) and by the grace of God he gave me one to be given to him.
We had one naming ceremony at Nanjiro.
Prayer Request
Pray we get some rain at Bombari.
Let's remember Richmond whenever we are praying that God would use him as a tool to reach out to the unsaved people in his family.
Here are some pictures of the events.

Pastor Mathew Nweodo
We thank God for his grace upon our lives in the Chakali mission field.
By the grace of God, the ministry is doing well because his grace is sufficient for us to reach out to the people of Chakali daily.
During our evangelism we meet a young man named Danaa Dajiema from Chaggu helpless without medical attention and we prayed for him and sent him to Wa Reginal Hospital with the help of Director Wisdom Nyador and other people who have also supported us both financially and in prayers.
Our families and I say a big thank you to Director and our sponsors so much for the support for Danaa’ s health and our families’ as well.
Prayer requests
1 Kindly help pray for our brother Danaa for a speedy recovery.
2 Pray for our pregnant wives for god's protection till the day of delivery.
3 Keep praying for the Muslim families we have been meeting for prayers and Bible studies for God's power upon their lives.
Pastor Paul Akuteye
I am very much grateful to God Almighty for helping us come to the endof another challenging but successful month.
Unfortunately, the Muslim by name Karim who suffered from Tuberculosis died on the 1st of April, 2023 on Saturday morning. The church went and mourned with the family buried him. May his soul rest in peace. Please remember him in your prayers since he left behind a wife and two children. The wife is a chorister and a lead singer in our church. His children are also in the children ministry.
Please help me thank the Lord for a successful convention which took place at Kintampo during the Easter holidays.
We are also grateful to the leadership of Pistis Christian Churches for giving the nod to the Kumasi Assembly to host the 2027 national Easter Convention.
Great things our Lord has done in the past for the church in Kumasi and we know that greater things He will do.
Your support and partnership for us as a church will be greatly rewarded.
Pastor Kingsley Nyindam
We thank God Almighty seeing us through the month of April.
We had one naming ceremony, but no baptism was recorded.
The regular Sunday services, midweek and Friday prayer meetings were observed in all the churches. The churches keep growing as new people keep coming, but we are not able to do baptisms because we do not have sufficient water in this season.
Prayer Needs:
· The churches at Nyorkolbu and Kumbundo are currently working on the church buildings and Moatong is preparing for fund raising next month to complete the chapel, please pray we get financial support.
· Pray for good health for me and family.
· Pray for the Tatindo church which is growing spiritually cold.
Pastor Jonathan Sapeh
I thank God for the lives of the church members. I also thank God for the lives of Bob Addae and Pastor Nathaniel Abdullai. God is using them to revive the church at Kumdi. I thank God for granting me traveling mercies throughout this month. My wife's health too is getting better by the grace of God. I took part in the wedding ceremony of one of my nieces at Tweapease.
I officiated a traditional wedding at Chakori near Kumdi, between a lady from Kumdi Christian Church and a man from Accra. I organized a district leaders meeting at Kumdi. Pastor Nathaniel Abdullai has completed his internship with me effectively.
Pray for scholarship for my kids in school. Pray for funds to help me buy a plot and build a house at Sogakope before my retirement and also that God would convince my wife to return to Kumdi.

Pastor John Newman Peni – Nkwanta/Adele Area
· Elder Noah at Nkwanta who had undergone surgery last month is getting better by the grace of God.
· Deacon Samuel who had married for many years without a child, has been favored. His wife has delivered a baby boy and has been named.
Prayer Request
Three elderly women ranging from sixty years (60yrs) to eighty-five years (85yrs) have died in the Tutukpene church. Pray for the bereaved families and the church.
Pastor Ernest Nyador – Fame Clinic, Akplale
God's abundant blessings and mercies led us through April smoothly. All clinical services continued as usual. Though a few the staff are reluctant to work, while majority show total commitment. The PA is still making some community and church visits to create awareness of his presence at the facility and this is yielding good results. As a result, some severe cases are being brought to him, like snake bites, post-surgery cases and more. He needs full co-operation from the staff. He is planning on holding an in-service training with the staff. We hope for more positive outcome for May, to His glory.
Pastor Francis Addae – Fame Clinic Makango
Greetings from all staff at Makango Fame Clinic to you all.
Glory be to God for his provisions and protection rendered us through the month of April 2023.
The staff is doing great work by attending to clients who come to the facility for help.
We thank God for touching our management and leaders to work marvelously towards finishing our uncompleted building at the facility to improve health care in the area of Makango and its surrounding communities.
In all, our spiritual duties are still being observed – such as morning devotions, prayer and fasting once every month. In the month of April several serious cases were attended to at the facility both labor cases as well as OPD cases but by the grace of God, all went well. It is our priority to see more patients and save more souls.
May His name be glorified.
Pastor Felix Nsejamesi
Glory be to God for what he has done, we continue to thank God for the great things he keeps doing for us.
We continue with the story of our brother Solomon from Tenglen-Malando, he has been baptized into the kingdom of God for that is what Ghana Christian Mission is all about; from clinic to church. Continue to support us in prayer so that through Solomon, we can plant a Church at Tenglen-Malando.
Glory be to God in Jesus’ name.
Pastor Paul
We praise his name for another glorious month.
The past has been so good. Clinical services, still ongoing. Supporting patients with prayers and the Word of God.
The best midwife in Northeast last year is from our clinic (Mrs. Vida).
We'll continue to assist the clinic to fully perform its duties and impact the communities.
Pastor Sapeh – Fame Clinic Kumdi
By the grace of God, things are moving well in the clinic. Prayers and counseling are effective in the clinic. The unity and the understanding among the workers at the clinic is helping the growth of the clinic. Patients are being taken good care of. Our water problem is somehow better.
We pray for a better power supply at the clinic to enhance the work effectively. We pray for a midwife to assist with labor and childbirth.