Paul Tevi serves with GCM in Yzesi and Loagri in northern Ghana.
The following is Paul's latest report from the mission field. Please join us in thanking God and asking for his continued work:
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Another month has ended under the leadership of our Lord Jesus. Our two Christian brothers who joined us last year to do their national service and also share the Good News have left. Their presence has helped the churches a lot, especially the children’s ministry and the church in Sohou. A new team of two members has been deployed again to continue the same work. We also received a team of lawyers, doctors, and pastors who visited some schools in our communities and spoke to the children on the theme “Career and Purpose.” The aim is to encourage the students to take their education seriously. We also donated some bedsheets to the clinics of Loagri and Yzesi; bedsheets were received from FAME Ghana. In all, we are so grateful to this kind gesture and we are praying for more items to come. We have put a selected team to help our church members to register and get the National Identification Card. Finally we are praying for Pastor Enoch Nyador and his wife, who are in the USA, for a successful and fruitful trip. May God bless our donors and keep in good health.