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Darko: Prayers and Finances Needed for Family, School

Sampson Darko is the GCM evangelist of 5 churches among the Akyode people group in the Nkwanta district in the northern Volta Region. Farming and petty trading is the major occupation of the 12,000+ people there, about 70% of whom are idol worshippers.

The following is Sampson's latest report from the mission field. Please join us in thanking God and asking for his continued work:

We appreciate God for being there for us always. God has once again proven to my family that He cares. I thank God for seeing my wife through for a successful hernia and appendicitis surgery. My family is grateful to all of you for your prayer support, counseling, and financial support. We need your prayers to remain faithful unto God regardless of the many challenges. I personally need God to open financial doors in my life. What I am going through is beyond my capacity. I really need the miracle of God to redeem me from the numerous debts due to borrowing from people.

Our school is in a deplorable state and it needs urgent attention. Some parents have threatened to withdraw their wards. This is because we do not have classrooms for the pupils, and whenever it threatens to rain in the early hours, they close the school. It has occurred so many times. Children are studying under trees. Please redeem our school; otherwise, parents will send their wards away. The Lord had added five souls to the church and they were baptized. God bless you all.


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