The following are the combined staff reports from the various GCM staff. They cover August 2021 and/or July 2021.
Felix Nsejamese
My family and I thank God and our Lord Jesus Christ for His grace upon us. We were down with malaria, but by His grace, we are doing well now. The entire church is doing well by His grace.
We had a joint service with the churches in Bombari, Kojobone, Kanjido, Dalando, and Bankamba to strengthen the weak churches. At the time of this report, another joint service has been scheduled for August 15 at Kanjido.
Prayer Requests
For my daughter, Happy Nsejamese Omayoane. She will start her WASSSCE (final high school exams) next month.
Pray for the spiritual, physical, and financial growth for the churches.

John Kpormegbe
Greetings to all of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe every one of us is doing well; we're also doing great by the grace of God. The grace is sufficient to all the church members as well. Unfortunately, one of the devout members at Ahenfie Branch fell and broke her leg when she was going to sell in one of the villages. She is in one of the herbal treatment centers near Zongo on the Chinderi Road and she needs your prayers.
I thank God for the leadership of both Ghana Christian Mission for making medical outreach and planting of churches become a reality. Praise be to God in the highest! I thank God for all sponsors and donors who are key partners of this Great Commission and also Plainfield Christian Church for their great support. I pray that you all keep the fire burning!
I'd like to remind all of us to be praying for God's grace and His intervention, support of the idea of soul-winning and planting of churches, which is the vision and mission vehicle to affirm God's commission to all believers.
The church and community are in dire need of pavilions, projector, motorcycle, and mechanized borehole for clean drinking water. I believe that with your support physically and spiritually, we will be able to provide these. God richly bless you all.
Prince Yevu
I thank God Almighty for the life of my family, especially my lovely wife, for touching her in her difficult time of sickness. God is blessing us in so many ways even in all the financial difficulties we have in this COVID time. We are able to buy a piece of land to put up a church structure for the Krobo local area, and we are so grateful to God about this.
I have been able to start headship training for leaders who will be ordained to help the work at Afram Plains South.
We have some new souls to be baptized when the rain starts. We are so grateful to our donors for continuously supporting us on the field.
We are also pleased to be worshipping in our own church, which was roofed recently.
Bismark Kassata
I bring you greetings from all the Ntrubo Churches in Jesus’ mighty name. We are doing well both spiritually and physically by His grace. Now to our sponsors my family and I say may the good Lord bless you all for the work you are doing for Him. During one of my reports, I reported on the new church being planted at Fankyinekor. We have got four plots of land, which cost 4,000 Ghana cedis ($668 U.S. dollars). Please pray for God to open financial doors.
Daniel Liwamor
First, I thank Almighty God for the life of my family and me. The second quarterly revival program successfully took place from July 30 to August 1. Bombari and Kojobuni have agreed to fellowship together once a month.
Prayer Request
All our church members are farmers and the weather this year has not been good at all. There is poor germination due to the lack of rainfall. Please pray they will harvest enough for sale and for food for their families.
Sampson Darko
The Lord has sustained our families and friends once again. I thank Him for His blessings upon us. The Lord had brought five new converts who were immersed; pray for them to be established in Christ forever. The Nkwanta area is starting our youth program throughout the month of August in the various zones; please pray for its success.
Paul Akuteye
To God be the glory for what He has done and keeps doing for us. Amidst our challenges a lady named Ruth Dansowah was baptized on July 25 after the end of the church service on Sunday.
Prayer Request
Due to the pandemic, most of our members who own their own business are now at a crossroads, and others have lost their business, which is their source of livelihood. As a church we want you, as partners, to join us as we pray for God’s intervention.
Ernest Nyador
I thank God for His provisions and protection for my family and me. I am grateful to God for sustaining my ministry. Our joint and fundraising service at Wormenyi in the Volta Region of Ghana yielded 5,000 Ghana cedis ($835 U.S. dollars) to commence their chapel project. I pray for fruitful coming month with numerous blessings.
Johnathan Sapeh
I thank God for a successful marriage ceremony in May. I also thank GCM, the Pistis family, and the Pastors and friends who attended the ceremony. Special thanks to Pastor Enoch Nyador.
I thank God that at the end of a six-day revival I organized at Kumdi, four people received Christ and were baptized. Two people were delivered from the power of darkness.
Prayer Requests
Pray for spiritual and healthy marriage. Pray for our children also, for unity, love, and understanding among them.
Pray for the new converts.
Pray for the Lord to provide a place to stay as a place to retire in 2024.

Richard Ntim
Church: Faithway Christian Church
Activity: Faithway Christian Church Children's Day Celebration.
Prayer Request: Pray for the children to remain faithful and grow stronger in the Lord.
David Akpessey
From the Transformation Christian Church at Awutu Papase
One thing to thank and praise God for in July 2021: Let us thank and praise God for a very successful marriage between one of the youth of our church, Brother Emmanuel Tukpeyi, and Sister Elizabeth Akpakli of Mission Torve in the Republic of Togo. The marriage ceremony took place on Saturday, July 4. The Thanksgiving Service was held at the Transformation Christian Church at Awutu Papaase on Sunday, July 11. Pray for the Transformation Christian Church, as one of our members was called home last week. Pray also for the bereaved husband who is a member of our church.