Luke 10:2 says He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the
Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Clearly, based
on the over 3 billion people who are yet to hear the Gospel, more workers are urgently
needed for the Harvest. In Ghana, the fact remains same with 19 unreached people
groups (UPG’s) with over a million people who are yet to have significant presence of the Gospel
in their midst. This great need is the reason why GCM continues to train people at the
Bible school for a two or three-year program. Over the years, over 60 people have been
Trained, and are serving in various capacities in God’s Kingdom. We thank all our
partners who have faithfully prayed and sponsored the training.
Below is a brief statement from one of the students currently at the Bible school:
“My name is Kissabi Jonas. And I am 24 years old from Ligungunlbor in the Tatale- Sangule
District of the Northern Region. While half of my family members have accepted Christ, the
remaining half are still into idol worship.
I became a Christian when someone shared Christ with me at the age of 12. I regularly
attended church services both in the daytime and in the evenings. I started practicing how to
preach mostly in the evening service until I became a supporting preacher in the church –
However, I realized that I needed more training, in order to effectively share the word of God. I
am grateful to God for GCM who is sponsoring me to pursue this dream. After completion, I will
continue to preach the word of God and hope to lead many people to Christ. I thank all those who have been supporting GCM on my behalf.
Please Continue to pray and support GCM to train more people for the ready harvest.
Prayer points
· Thank God for the just ended medical outreach led by Dr Eugene Wang who is
with the GHO.
· Thank God for the over 2000 people who were treated and over 30 people who
received Christ.
· Thank God for over 40 people baptized in July.
· Pray that they will grow in the Lord and become faithful disciples.
· Pray for funds to start new work among the Sisala Pasaal ($60,000 needed,
$21,000 raised).
Pastor Paul Akuteye
Quite so soon, the month with more days that represents growth, renewal and transformation has come to an end. I want to appreciate God for allowing us to cross over the half of the year successfully. My family is enjoying good health and business too is very successful in
the month of June.
Getting souls for the Lord’s Kingdom these days is a bit problematic but we have been able to baptize three souls in Kumasi at the end of the church service at Oduom on the 25th of June, 2023.
I kindly want you to help me in your prayers for the Abassey family from Navrongo who are residing in Kumasi; we have a lot of families from the North residing in Kumasi. When they visit the church, they make requests we are not able to meet. And when they leave, they don’t return to church again.
May the good Lord cause your financial support and partnership for us as a
church to be replenished and rewarded.

Pastor John Newman Peni – Nkwanta / Adele Area
We had a successful Mission Emphasis week. During the week, we met every evening to praise God with singing and preaching on missions. Since our churches were born through missions, members were encouraged to give themselves to go for missions and send people to missions through financial support.
We also prayed that God will raise people who will go on missions and those who will be senders through financial support.
The women’s fellowship in the municipality met at Nkwanta for their women’s convention. God does new things whenever we meet. This convention can be described as a “wave of restoration.”
The teaching on “Woman: the supporter of God’s Work” taught by Pastor Lawrence Agbovi was well detailed.
The enthusiasm of the women even though it was raining was beyond measure. The prayer sessions were powerful. All this can be attributed to movement of the Holy Spirit.
We need to remember our Sister Nyonkor Beauty, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, in our daily prayers. The church has done well to support her financially to go to hospital but this is the beginning of the cure. So, prayers and financial support are needed.

Pastor David Addy Akpesey – The Transformation Christian Church, Awutu Papaase
Thank God for a successful 3-day outdoor crusade at Keaobondzie. We have won some souls who we are praying will worship us at Transformation Christian Church. Pray for them to remain faithful to the Lord for the rest of their lives.
Pray to God to connect our church to partners to come to our aid by supporting us to complete our new chapel on time. We need to urgently complete this project on time to prevent deterioration and damage to the building by harsh weather conditions. The iron rods and the pillars have started showing signs of deterioration and damage. Pray that God will touch the hearts of partners anywhere to support us to complete this house of God to the glory of our God and King.

Pastor Kingsley Nyindam
We praise our Lord Jesus Christ, whose name is above every other name, for bringing us through the first half of the year. To Him alone be all the glory forever.
We also thank God for His grace to give our late mother a befitting burial. Our gratitude goes out to all who supported us during this difficult moment.
Report on Moatong church:
The Moatong church is one of our vibrant churches, the average church attendance is about eighty people per week. Last year the church decided to build a new spacious chapel in place of the old one which could no longer house them. Funds were raised to this course and a new church building was put up.
The completion of this project will have more space to house more people. This will also enable them meet regularly and not worry about the weather.

Pastor Felix Nsejamese
We give glory and praise for all that He has done for us.
June 5-11 was mission week but we could not start the program as scheduled; it was rather observed from June 25 to July 2.
We went to two communities (Tikarido on June 26 and to Wabido on July 2) to preach the Gospel. Follow-up evangelism is ongoing in the communities, so we need your prayer support.

Greetings from Mathew Nwedo and Yahaya Abraham
To God be the glory for his sufficient grace and gift of life upon us, our pregnant wives, children and that of the Chakali communities as a whole. Secondly, we thank God for the life of Danaa Dajiema and my sister Dorcas who went through breast surgery successfully at St. Joseph Hospital, Nkwanta.
Also, by God's grace our church service and weekly activities are going on well.
Prayer request
1. Pray for our pregnant wives that God would grant them healthy lives and new strength throughout the pregnancy period. Also, the day of delivery, God should see them through successfully to the glorification of his holy name.
2. Pray for God's grace and strength over our lives to do his work and win the heart, mind and souls of the chakalis for him.
3. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth about Jesus Christ to the Chakali people.
4. Prayer for God's speedy recovery over our brother Danaa Dajiema in Christ’s name as he is on admission again.
Pastor Bismark Kassata
Thank God for the end of another month and to have seen the beginning of a new month.
My family and the church are doing well.
We had leadership retreat on the 30th of June in the Ntrubo area.
The aim of the program was for the Church to not be a sleeping giant but to grow both spiritual and physical.
My family and I are very grateful for how much you are supporting us here in the mission field.
As usual, we had our annual youth revival on 16th June which the municipal youth of Nkwanta PCC attended.
The youth that came were 67 in number.
Prayer Request
· We request you to pray for the leadership of the church to continue to be committed to
the Lord.
· Pray for some of the members who are sick and are in the hospital for speedy
Pastor Francis Addae
My family and I want to use this opportunity to thank God for his protection offered to us through the month of June..
Two things in the month of June which I need to give thanks to God.
Two souls were baptized to the glory of God.
These are challenges in ministry:
1. Motorcycle for mission’s monitoring
2. The aid of Salaga Church Temple
3. Our churches under trees need support/help for shelter.

I am very grateful to God for His protection and provision for my family, ministry and myself.
I am also glad to be the host of Fame's 36th anniversary service.
This historic service took place at Akplale Church. In attendance were other two churches, namely Wormenyi and Jetorkoe in collaboration with Fame Executives. GCM began in Akplale in 1987.
A powerful mission-oriented message was delivered by the GCM Director, Wisdom Nyador.
He challenged everyone to take the great commission task seriously.
His three points are to:
1. Pray always for missions.
2. Send or empower someone to go.
3. Go yourself to rescue the lost for the Lord.
He also admonished the churches in Agave area to set aside special funds for missions.
My prayer for Fame is to continue growing to achieve more and more for God's kingdom.
Also are much resources and breakthroughs for missions, even beyond Ghana.

Pastor John Kpormegbe
I hope you and your family are doing well. Thank God for yet another blissful month and whatever happened in it, to God be the glory in Jesus' name. I am touched to show a sincere gratitude to all Partners both in Ghana and abroad for their support and prayers.
We appreciate GCM and PLAINFIELD CHRISTIAN CHURCH for their tremendous support and kindness as well. The Church at Banda is working around the clock to make sure people who are in darkness would see the light and we believe you are praying for us to succeed. The Evangelism program at Buya on the Kpandai Road is ongoing and again, we need your prayer support.
Our Vision is still in place and we are putting things together to go out, as a church, for evangelism to at least fulfill the purpose, which is planting two or three churches. We humbly ask for more of your prayers.
We visited the new church at Banda Buya for two days and proceeded to Jama Nkwanta for another two days before I left for a trip with Pastor Ahiabu. It was good. The church and I organized this visit to one of our old churches and after the program, we have gotten nine people who we have baptized this month. We need your prayers to help them stay and grow to bring others to join Jesus’ family as well.

Pastor Yeboah Ernest Junior – Yeshua Love Christian Church, Garu
God is faithful and good to us in diverse ways, we praise and worship Elohim, Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
In the month of June, we did embark on evangelism in the Garu, to win souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. It was a street and house-to-house evangelism.
One person accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. We are working to get him to fellowship with us. I have assigned elder Emmanuel to do follow-up on him.
On the 25th of June 2023, we relocated back to D/A primary school classroom to fellowship in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
We ask you to pray for the church, for God to add more converted souls to the Yeshua Love Christian church.

Pastor Yeboah Ernest Junior
The steadfastness of the Lord Jesus Christ never ceases and His mercy never comes to an end; they are new every morning towards all staff and clients of Fame Clinic, Benwoko. We give thanks and praise God in Jesus Christ our Lord for 36 years anniversary of Fame Ghana, may the name of Him alone be praise, amen.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is still working through us as health workers to bring good health, comfort and peace to the clients. Devotion and all clinical activities are ongoing.
However, there are challenges the nurses encounter when patients come for wound dressing or clients involved in motorbike accident; we ask for a wound dressing bed, so that the stress the nurses and clients go through would be minimized. Beds in the general ward are few in numbers, we need more beds, so that we can make the detained clients feel comfortable.
It our prayers that, God will strengthen and see us through the month of July, as we work as a team to spread the fame of Christ Jesus far and near.

Ps Ernest Nyador – Fame Clinic, Akplale
God's grace and protection keep sustaining the facility up to date.
Normal proceedings at the facility are still going on.
The enthusiasm of some of the nurses is very encouraging, while some are reluctant to work.
I can even suggest that the number of them serving here should be reduced. This will enable the rest to be active and responsible.
May God takes them through July successfully.
Pastor Francis Addae
Praise be to God who has always done us well.
God has protected us once more and provided strength to all of the staff in the clinic.
Our daily duties are met, such as OPD attendance, antenatal, deliveries, devotional and prayer and fasting.
May God richly help the facility to achieve all our goals this year.
Pastor Felix Nsejamese – Fame Clinic Kumdi
To God be the glory - our God is a wonder-working God, a God who heals and transforms people's lives through medical evangelism; glory be to God.
Attached is a picture of Charity Ponala from Agbajokuri giving her testimony about what the Lord has done for her.
She is now a new person; 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of recommendation” Amen.
She has been with us for three weeks now and we have started meeting in her house at Agbajokuri.
We need your prayer support for the Church to grow in Jesus’ mighty be

May God Bless You who are reading these reports!
May God continue to bless all who work and labor in His vineyard in Jesus name.
I pray for more strength and wisdom for the clinic staff as well.