Thousands of Ghanaians were treated--including about a dozen whose lives may have been saved--during a week-long medical mission by Global Health Outreach in coordination with Ghana Christian Mission in early August.
A lot of preparation went into the arrival of the Global Health Outreach (GHO) team for the medical outreach. It started months ago with identification of venues (Deodokorpe and Yorkutikpo) and prayer walks in and around the communities.
Then, on Saturday, July 28, the GHO team arrived safely in Ghana and journeyed by bus for two hours to Sogakope, where they lodged. Sunday the 29th was the Christian Unity Festival Celebration among the local churches of the Agave Christian Unity Association, which also partners with GCM in outreach. A total of 40 churches came together for this annual service.
For the next six days, the 25-member GHO/GCM team collaborated with 40 local church leaders, who interpreted for them and helped with other logistics, to treat close to 3,000 patients.
Team leader Dr. Diane Matsumoto (Phoenix, Arizona) recounts: “We saw close to 3,000 medical patients, 400 physio-therapy patients, gave out 550 glasses, and treated over 600 dental patients. To my best guess, approximately 15 patients would have died from CNS malaria, sepsis, and one meningitis without us. For a moment, we experienced what it was like to be part of the Acts church. Worshiping together day and night, watching daily miracles, having prayer partners covering us in the U.S., getting to know our amazing Ghanaian partners--it was incredible.”
On top of everything, 64 people gave their lives to Jesus for the first time, and 14 of them were baptized. GCM thanks everyone who helped in this life-giving mission, and all Glory goes to God!